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IEEE 802.1CF-2019 pdf free download
IEEE 802.1CF-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Recommended Practice for Network Reference Model and Functional Description of IEEE 802® Access Network.
5.9.1 General
Network virtualization allows for cost-effective installations of niultiple dedicated access networks for different applications, for particular security requirements. or for isolated operational domains at the same area. To enable virtualization, access network elements are designed in a way that a single hardware element can realize multiple logical instances of the network element. However, due to common usage of a single hardware resource, some limitations regarding the configuration of the hardware-dependent parameters may exist; e.g., the operation channel of a radio interface must be the same for all the virtual interfaces operating on the same device, or the PI-IY speed of a wired Ethernet interface will be the same for all connections going over a common local area network (LAN) cable.
IEEE 802 technologies provide the capabilities to realize multiple virtualized instances of network elements under the potential restrictions mentioned above, and support two variants of virtual networking:
— Virtual networks define multiple instances of multipoint networks, i.e., layer 2 forwarding domains within an access network.
For example. IEEE Sid 802.lQ defines the methods to share a common Ethernet infrastructure for the establishment of multiple virtual LANs (VLANs), each identified through a VLAN ID; and IEEE Std 802.11 describes the implementation of multiple virtual access points, each exposing its own service set identifier (SSID) and defining its own security environment on a single radio interface.
Virtualized access networks define instances of access network, each with its own ANC and NMS serving a number of network functions. Network functions in the access network arc all elements relaying data frames. i.e., NAs and backhauls.
The model of a virtualized access network is defined by a template representing an abstract description of a particular design, which can be instantiated multiple times.
The CIS is the only network entity shared among multiple virtualized access networks to allow access to, and adaptation of, operational parameters for shared processing and transmission resources.
A virtualizcd access network may consist of multiple virtual networks: however, virtual networks can exist without network virtualization. Network virtualization leads to multiple administrative domains.IEEE 802.1CF-2019 pdf free download.
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