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BS 5385-5-2009 pdf free download

BS 5385-5-2009 pdf free download.Wall and floor tiling — Part 5: Design and installation of terrazzo, natural stone and agglomerated stone tile and slab flooring — Code of practice.
are designed for bedding, keyed concrete is used. When the edges of units are required to be terrazzo faced, care should be exercised in casting to ensure that the minimum thickness specified is obtained and that an adequate bond is achieved with the backing concrete. Where structural design considerations require, reinforcement should be accurately positioned within the unit and adequately covered, all in accordance with BS 8204-1. Care should be taken to avoid displacement of the reinforcement during vibration and, if necessary, terrazzo bobbins might be used. The surface is treated by grinding, ensuring sufficient time is allowed between casting and grinding to allow the unit to attain adequate hardness to enable the face to be ground without dislodging the surface aggregate. Any slight surface imperfections are filled by groutirig with a neat cement paste coloured to match the original mix and well worked into the surface. The excess of grouting coat is removed by grinding using a stone not coarser than No. 80 grit, no sooner than 72 h after the surface has been grouted. When the operation has been completed the surface is thoroughly washed.
Because the thickness of flooring units increases in proportion to their length, thicknesses should be as follows:
1) internal sills, precast treads, fully bedded, up to 1.5 m long
40 mm thick;
2) from over 1.5 m to 2 m long 45 mm thick;
3) from over 2 m to 2.5 m long 50 mm thick;
4) shower trays made to dimensions 750 mm x 750 mm a minimum of 40 mm thick at the outlet.
d) Inserts. Non-slip inserts for pavings and treads should, by agreement between the purchaser and supplier, be set into the wearing surface of the unit. They might be cast in or applied after manufacture, subject to being of a suitable cross section, being securely fixed in position and dimensionally stable. Where cramps, dowels or other fixing devices are required, these should be of non-ferrous metal or non-corrosive stainless steel securely cast into the core of the unit handling devices might be of alternative material suitable for their purpose.
e) Finish. Units should be supplied either:
1) ground and grouted for site finishing;BS 5385-5-2009 pdf free download.

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