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BS 6465-4-2010 pdf free download

BS 6465-4-2010 pdf free download.Sanitary installations Part 4 : Code of practice for the provision of public toilets.
6.3 In areas where toilets have been closed, if possible data should also be gathered on previous levels of provision, where public toilets were previously located and when they were closed. It should be determined whether the closures were because of lack of funding, lack of demand, or social problems (e.g. vandalism, drug use or other antisocial behaviour) and whether the previous pattern might provide a good starting point for restoring public toilet provision to areas where it is still needed.
6.4 Data on all toilet providers should be collected, especially in areas where the Authority is not the main public toilet provider, so that there is clear information on who is providing toilets for use by the public, and where.
6.5 A map should be produced showing the distribution and location
of all public toilets across the administrative area in question, with
a key showing the different sorts of public toilet available. If a map
already exists, this should be checked and updated if necessary.
6.6 Liaison should be established with Local Authorities in adjacent areas to facilitate seamless provision of public toilets across administrative boundaries.
6.7 If an Authority has a centralised GIS (geographic information system) the data collected on public toilet location, distribution and types of facilities should be uploaded onto this system so that all departments can access this information.
7 Identifying user groups and user needs
Toilet users and toilet providers can have very different perspectives on public toilet provision. Therefore it is very important to identify all the different user groups so that their views can be taken into account. This is particularly important at the local level.
NOTE On average within the UK population, around 18% are disabled people, 40% do not have driving licences, 10% are members of an ethnic minority community, nearly 40% are over the retirement age and 52% are female. These figures will vary according to location, for example seaside towns might have much higher proportions of older people, and some urban areas, for example London, have much higher levels of ethnic minority communities.BS 6465-4-2010 pdf free download.

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