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BS 7000-2-2015 pdf free download

BS 7000-2-2015 pdf free download.Design management systems Part 2 : Guide to managing the design of manufactured products.
4.7.4 Supporting the product and eventual disposal
Senior executives should ensure that the responses of customers to the product, and indeed competitors’ reactions, are monitored. This should include examining the way customers use the product to determine if the original design objectives are being met. On-line opinion surveys, for example, linked to customer support or related sites can provide useful information in a standard forma. In the light of this customer feedback, senior executives should provide the necessary resources to support further development, e.g. to debug, refine and improve the product’s performance to raise customer satisfaction.
Senior executives should ensure that there is an organizational infrastructure in place to provide the necessary level of customer support. This might be achieved, for example, by a customer services department, which might comprise a consumer helpline, or for more complex products, a technical helpdesk manned by staff with a more in-depth knowledge of the product.
There might also be a need for technical support at customers’ premises and the provision of consumable items and spare parts. Senior executives have the responsibility for deciding the level of these resources, and if they should be made available in-house or subcontracted.
Where appropriate, guidance should be provided to customers and users for the disposal or recycling of products, especially where components might be hazardous or are subject to regulation (electronics, batteries, liquids). There is now a significant amount of legislation affecting the end-of-life disposal and disassembly/recycling of many types of product, and senior executives have a duty to ensure that the products their organizations offer to the market are disposed of responsibly in accordance with the law.
4.8 Planning and communication
4.8.1 General
Senior executives should ensure that all relevant design and design management issues are addressed during the business planning cycle, and that the results of deliberations are documented, communicated to appropriate staff and ultimately archived.
4.8.2 Developing business and product plans
The market which a company serves is continually developing, both in customer demand and technological expectation. The company’s manufacturing capability should also evolve to meet the market requirements.BS 7000-2-2015 pdf free download.

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