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BS 7000-4-2013 pdf free download

BS 7000-4-2013 pdf free download.Design management systems Part 4 : Guide to managing desian in construction.
5 Formation and management of the design team
The choice of procurement method affects the contractual and management relationships within the design team, but not usually the technical tasks that need to be undertaken to produce a design. The whole design team, or any particular task team, can be within the client/employer’s own organization, an independent consultant or part of a construction contractor’s organization or most commonly, permutations of these. For all procurement methods there should be a consistent and coordinated overview and management of the design functions and design. Where there is consensus that the design arrived at is the best resolution of the client brief and employers requirements (including cost aspects), design issues ideally should not be compromised by other considerations. Suggestions from those responsible for production can inform and enhance design; these should be fed formally into the design process and be properly managed. Where such suggestions are introduced via the Construction Lead this process is the responsibility of the Project Lead supported by the Design Lead and Task Team Managers.
The Project Lead should contribute to the overall planning of the project and be responsible to the employer/client (preferably directly) for planning, programming, controlling and delivering the design content. The Project Lead should cooperate with the CDM Coordinator, liaise with the Design Lead and other design task teams and ensure that effective communications and decision making systems are applied. On projects carried out in accordance with PAS 1192-2, the CIC 81M Protocol 12) and the CIC Outline Scope of Services 141 for Information Management the Design lead liaises closely with the Information Manager (see Figure 3).
Detailed planning and programming requires input from design task teams, when appointed, which can lead to revisions of the initial estimates of design cost and time targets.
6 Responsibilities
On projects carried out in accordance with PAS 1192-2, the CIC BIM Protocol 121 and the CIC Outline Scope of Services for Information Management [5], some information exchange activity management responsibilities are tabulated and scheduled (CICIINF MAN/S) for the Project Lead, Design Lead, various Task Team Managers and members, the Information Manager and interface manager in order to deliver a coordinated design.BS 7000-4-2013 pdf free download.

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