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BS 8002-2015 pdf free download

BS 8002-2015 pdf free download.Code of practice for earth retaining structures. Long-term changes in groundwater that are likely to occur during the design working life of the structure (including those due to climate change and rising groundwater) should be taken into account. Increased groundwater pressures owing to burst pipes and other failures of engineered systems should be classified as accidental actions if the event that causes the increase in groundwater pressure is unlikely to occur during the design working life of the structure. The design of an earth retaining structure should be based on the most adverse water pressure conditions that can be anticipated.
NOTE Guidance on the selection of water tables and seepage forces can be found in CIRIA Report C580 1N31. Design water pressures should take into account the effect of tides on water levels in the ground.
NOTE Guidance on tides and water level variations can be found in 85 6349-1-3. If the equilibrium level of the water table is well defined and measures are taken to prevent it changing during heavy rain or flood, the design water pressures can be calculated from the position of the equilibrium water table, making due allowance for possible seasonal variations, otherwise the most adverse water pressure conditions that can be anticipated should be used in design. Equilibrium water levels in fine soils should be determined from piezometric readings taken over an adequate length of time. Allowance should be made in undrained (i.e. total stress) analyses for water pressures due to the temporary filling of cracks in fine soils. Water pressures used in drained (i.e. eff&tive stress) analyses should be determined for the groundwater regime in the vicinity of the structure. Where a difference in water pressures exists on opposite sides of an earth retaining structure, allowance should be made for seepage around the wall. Where layers of markedly different permeability exist, the water levels relevant to each permeable stratum should be taken into account. The distribution of pore water pressures may be determined from a flow net, provided it adequately represents the hydraulic and permeability conditions in the vicinity of the structure.BS 8002-2015 pdf free download.

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