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BS 8210-2012 pdf free download

BS 8210-2012 pdf free download.Guide to facilities maintenance management.
times and the choice of the most appropriate method of execution: in-house, outsourced or co-sourced. This leads to the need for budgetary control during the course of each financial year over which maintenance programmes extend.
In the case of outsourced contracts, the contract sums and the costs associated with the management of the contracts, should be prepared (see BS 8572).
An audit should be carried Out in each financial year to ascertain the extent to which best value for money has been obtained from the funds expended in the previous year on maintenance and to determine if any changes are needed to improve value for money. The extent to which maintenance has provided any operational benefits for an organization should also be determined. This information should be used to inform decisions on budgets for subsequent maintenance plans and programmes.
6 Maintenance methods
An organization should determine which method or combination of methods best satisfies its operational needs in maintenance in accordance with its facilities maintenance strategy (see 4.2) and policy (see 4.3). Each method should be assessed in terms of the extent to which it satisfies (or does not satisfy) the criteria defined as part of the facilities maintenance strategy (see 4.2). When taking into account asset criticality and monitoring capacity within the facility, the benefit of combining methods should be evaluated.
NOTE Annex A gives details on different types of maintenance methods.
7 Factors affecting maintenance
7.1 Health and safety
7.1.1 General
The health and safety information given in this clause is intended as guidance for those who have to incorporate occupational health and safety (OH&S) management within their facilities maintenance management. For a more comprehensive overview, see B5 OHSAS 18001, B5 OHSAS 18002 and 85 18004. The latter standard has been used as the primary basis for the occupational health and safety guidance provided in this British Standard.
The management of occupational health and safety should be viewed as an integral component of facilities maintenance management and not as a separate function or as an add-on.BS 8210-2012 pdf free download.

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