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BS 8233-2014 pdf free download
BS 8233-2014 pdf free download.Guidance on sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings.
For most airports, the airport operator is responsible for the noise management, which has to be designed to align with Government policy. The exceptions are Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted, for which the Department of Transport has noise management responsibility. Airports covered by Directive 2002/49/EC [19] have published Noise Action Plans which describe their noise management, including information about flight paths, hours of operation, the planning conditions under which they operate and other noise mitigation practices.
Aircraft noise can be controlled by voluntary noise abatement procedures, which can include:
a) the adoption of noise preferential routes; and
b) restrictions on the number of movements and/or classes of aircraft.
Aerodromes used for commercial air transport of passengers and for training in aircraft above certain total maximum total weights are licensed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Many aerodromes, including general aviation (private and recreational flying and aviation work), do not require a licence for their operation, but the CAA remains responsible for all matters affecting the safety of aircraft and provides guidance on noise consideration at general aviation aerodromes (201.
Planning conditions and legally binding agreements between local planning authorities and landowners can also impose restrictions on aircraft types and operating times, and number of movements, to control noise.
Military aircraft operate under the control of the Military Aviation Authority
6.3.2 Prediction of noise from aircraft
Prediction of noise from aircraft or airports is complex, though aircraft noise modelling software packages are available. Many airports periodically produce contours showing the noise exposure around the airport. Care is needed in interpreting these contours as they tend to show average exposure, taking account of different modes of airport operation. This means that, on a particular day, the noise exposure at a particular location might be higher than implied by the contours, and consideration should be given to designing the building envelope for those operational days.
These contours show the noise of aircraft departing from and arriving at an airport without the presence of any shielding effects from buildings or topographical features, They also do not include the noise from ground operations such as taxiing, auxiliary or ground power units or engine testing. Where appropriate, these sources need to be considered separately.BS 8233-2014 pdf free download.
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