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BS 8410-2007 pdf free download
BS 8410-2007 pdf free download.Code of practice for lightweight temporary cladding for weather protection and containment on construction works.
6.1.2 Wind loads
Winds cause both normal and drag loading ott LTC and its supports. In most cases where there is also a temporary roof, there coul(l be uplift forces. The effect of the wind loads can be influenced by using porous materials, the frequency of ties, or by incorporating pressure relief
paneLs which would conic into effect at a predetermined load. Prior to erecting the LTC, an assessment should be made into the possible
effects if the LTC becomes detached and causes damage by falling or blowing onto people, property or VehicleS. Pressure relief ianels are not an option on GRP sheet, which should be designed to be retained under full wind load.
While the wind load normal to a porous or semi-porous containment net will 1w reduced by the percentage porosity of the net when compared to a solid wall, where the containment net is supported by a flexible
structure such as a scaffold, the local redistribution effect resulting from the flexing of the scaffold members can result in the ties to the
containment net being loaded up to twice as high as the load calculated for the nominal area of the net supported by the tie. Therefore, while the supporting structure/scaffold can be (lesigfle(l with a re(luced load
reflecting the porosity of the containment net, the ties holding the net should be capable of supporting twice that load.
NOTE 1 Ev’en uheiv a building has a ion level of permeability, high
wind velocities can cause drag alang Ike line of the L7t This can then be 514 fficienl to (‘OUst 01 ‘eH&wuli,uj of the scqOhld, pa rtirularllj at 11w end of a façade.
NOTE 2 Advice on wind loading is given in BS 6399-2.
NOTE 3 Where canto inneut nets or sheets a it’ used to clad scqffokis that also .support temporary roofs, it is possible that in swne riirumsfances the a iijlmc beneath 1h’ roof is reduced. The uplift forces ecruld the,’cfo,v be
sign ficanIly changed. See the N.4SC pubi ical ion Guide to good practice for scaffolding with tubes and fittings (11.
Where there is no information on the lwnneabilitY of the vontaimncnt nets and sheets. it should be designed on the assumption that they are always on the leeward side of the structure, and the building itself Is at maximum permeability to air flow (I.e. without any windows or doors or as appropriate on the assumption that the building is at a lower level
than the area of cladding supported by the ties).BS 8410-2007 pdf free download.
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