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BS 8504-1-2006 pdf free download
BS 8504-1-2006 pdf free download.Beach safety flags Part l : Colour , shape and meaning.
A.2 Flag-poles
Each flag should be attached to a flag-pole, which should be erected such that the lowest point of the flag, when at rest, is not less than 2.3 m above the immediately surrounding ground level.
The flag-pole should be securely anchored so as to be stable under the prevailing weather COfl(htiOflS in the area.
NOTE 1 This may be done, for example, by means of a sand spike or by seen ri ig the flag-pole to a sin ad (for e.rn mpte a tripod or a Jon r-legged sin ad)
or to ii solil ?XIS(’.
NOTE 2 LI the flag is secured to a stand, 11w stand may also be used In display safety iaformalion.
A.3 Positioning of beach safety flags
Flags should be positioned so that they can be readily seen by persons on the beach and in the water. Flags should be mounted high enough to 1w seen above any ohstructions.
Flags shoul(l he positioned so that they are visible without obstruction by other structures or by any flora and fauna that might be present.
The locations of flags should be carefully selected to ensure that the flags themselves, in particular the flag-poles, do not present a hazard. Flags should not be located where a flying flag could hit jm.s.sers-by, or where the flag-pole could present a trip hazard.
A.4 Use of beach safety flags
It is essential that the flags are used only when a lifeguard is present. As the environmental conditions can alter from day to day, and in some cases during the course of a day, conditions should be monitored and flags hoisted or taken down aecor(lingiy. In the ease of flags used to zone a section of beach or water activity, conditions should be monitored and these flags moved to suitable locations as any changes in conditions dictate.
Because of the ,ieed for a lifeguard to he present to monitor the conditions, and possibly to change flags, it is essential that the times of day and, where applicable, days of the week and/or months of the year (luring which beach safety flag systems arc operated on a particular beach are well publicized. There should also he a well publicized warning that when no flags are displayed this means that the beach is not manned by a lifeguard.
A.5 Inspection and maintenance of flags and flag-poles
Inspection and maintenance of flags and flag-poles should be carried out on a regular basis. Flags can have a limited lifespan. ;)aIiicIllarly in adverse weather conditions. Any flag that has become torn or faded should be replaced.
A.6 Storage of flags
If flags are to be stored, for example at the end of the season, care shoul(I be taken to ensure that they are completely dry before they are put into storage. Flags should be stored in dry conditions away from sources of heat and chemicals. Flags that have been stored should be carefully inspected before they are put hack into use.
A.7 Explanatory text and associated information
To ensure water users and ineiiihers oft he public are aware oft he meaning of certain flags it might be necessary to use text to explain the meaning. The text should either be on a board fixed to the flag-pole, or given on beach safety information boards, positioned, for example, at the entrances to the beach. Use of information boards should be in accordance with RNLI publication A guide to beach safety signs, flags and sínsboIs III
The text should be as brief as possible.BS 8504-1-2006 pdf free download.
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