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BS 8536-2010 pdf free download

BS 8536-2010 pdf free download.Facility management briefing Code of practice.
Responsibility for taking account of the interests of users of the facility as well as stakeholders in general, should be determined and made explicit, Account should be taken of the procurement method and contractual arrangements and how these might impact on responsibility for ensuring that design decisions affecting construction work and/or installation, testing and commissioning, handover and start-up of operations are based on the correct information and data,
NOTE 2 Attention is drawn to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2X7 121 in respect of the requirement to appomt a constructior design and management (CDM) co-o,dinator
NOTE 3 The appointment of other spevalists may be necessary Annex C offers an example of stake holder identification.
4.2.2 Stakeholder impact analysis
A stakeliolcSer impact analysis should be undei’taken to determine how, and the extent to which, stakeholder interests might impact on the facility in terms of its design, construction work and/or installation, testing and commissioning, handover and start-up of operations. Where the facility already exists. account should be taken of its access audits and other reviews of the facilitc including its immediate surroundings. for all users, Note should be made of any actions recommended from the owner to the designer to take account of specific stakeholder interests and rights in the facility.
NOTE Annex 0 offers an example of preliniinary stakehokier impact analysis.
4.2.3 Updating the analysis
Further stakeholder identification, assessment and impact analysis should take place during design development and, prior to testing and commissioning. handover and start-up of operations, to provide an opportunity to act upon any change in stakelsolders or their interests. If a communication plan has been prepared, it should be updated as changes in stakeholders or their interests become known.
4.3 Design brief
4.3.1 General
NOTE The design brief occupies a pivotal position in the process of realizing a facility over iti whole life cycle.
The design brief should be capable of extending beyond the design phase into construction work and/or installation, testing and commissioning. handover and start-up of operations, and so it should be capable of informing decision-making in those phases and stages. Use of terms and definitions across the different phases and stages should be consistent
4.3.2 Facility management brief
NOTE I The facility management brief can be one of a number of documents collectively referred to as the design brief Other briefs might be prepared on different aspects of the facility, e.g. financial and legal matters, procurement and contractual arrangements.BS 8536-2010 pdf free download.

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