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BS 8543-2015 pdf free download

BS 8543-2015 pdf free download.Complaint handling in organizations – Specification.
Unacceptable and unreasonable behaviours
The large majority of customers conduct themselves appropriately when making a complaint; good, well-trained customer service personnel understand that making a complaint can be an emotive experience for a customer and that some anger might be initially experienced and need to be handled. On rare occasions, a customer may display behaviours that are considered to be unacceptable to an organization.
An organization should establish guidelines that set out the expected behaviour of complainants, this could include the following to be used to identify when the conduct of a complainant has become unreasonable:
• safety issues for staff: the conduct includes threats or actual violence;
• health issues for staff: the conduct becomes significantly unreasonable and causes staff in the organization to suffer stress;
• resource issues: the conduct causes an unacceptable amount of time and resources to be expended; or
• equity issues: the conduct requires a significant level of time and resource to be allocated to handle and investigate the complaint, and where the outcome is unlikely to warrant the allocation of those resources, and also negatively impacts on the handling of other complaints.
NOTE See also the Australian Commonwealth Ombudsman (11 for further details.
A complaint-handling policy should be updated to give personnel the advice and support to deal with such difficult situations, especially where organizations might deliver vital services, such as banking, energy supply, water supply, government and healthcare services, and have limitations in taking a decision not to deal with a customer.
The vast majority of customers behave in legitimate ways however a few might persist unreasonably in pursuing their complaints. These complaints can be difficult and time consuming but even though someone might have previously acted unreasonably in making a complaint, it cannot be assumed that the next complaint also results in unreasonable conduct by the complainant. Each complaint needs to be dealt with separately, and a decision made as to whether the complainant is acting unreasonably (such as threatening harm or violence, unnecessary and excessive phone calls and emails, etc.). There is no way of avoiding reading and evaluating each piece of correspondence. This can be time consuming, but it must be done.BS 8543-2015 pdf free download.

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