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BS 8544-2013 dpf free download

BS 8544-2013 dpf free download.Guide for life cycle costing of maintenance during the in use phases of buildings.
5.3.4 Undertaking assessments
The following actions may be carried out at this stage.
a) Specific asset information capturing surveys or other forms of assessment (as required), including identification and verification of the asset data in order to align with industry standard data protocols should be commissioned. NOTE A worked example is given in 8.2 and Annex 4 Figure A. 1.
b) The outputs from the assessments should be validated and data required for maintain and renewal planning should be compiled.
c) A maintain resource/cost plan, reflecting the agreed functional maintenance standards or set PPM and proactive maintenance regime, should be undertaken.
d) A clear list of maintenance renewal works required to bring the asset condition up to a level that conforms to the predefined functional maintenance standards (including cost) should be identified. The identified actions should subsequently be prioritized.
e) In order to undertake a predictive LCR plan, the reference service life and PARL data on applicable assets should be obtained.
f) The required appraisal options should be run through the LCC models and the analyses generated should be validated. If required in the plan, recommendations with accompanying justification should be made regarding appraisal options to take forward or reject.
g) The additional asset information should be checked for quality and validated in order to generate the required maintain and renewal plans.
5.3.5 Data inputs into the ICC (maintain and renewal) models
The data required should be aggregated and input into ICC models that are suitable to produce or update maintain or LCR programmes, option appraisals and any other defined outputs required.
The following actions may be carried out at this stage.
a) The project specific data, e.g. drawings, asset register, PPM regimes, condition surveys, operating and maintenance manuals, limit of renewal liability and any existing LCC models, should be compiled.
b) Any recorded performance data, e.g. condition reports, defects lists and failure mode trend analysis, known maintenance/renewal works and logs of works carried out, including variations to scheduled works, should be compiled.BS 8544-2013 dpf free download.

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