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BS 8621-2007 pdf free download

BS 8621-2007 pdf free download.Thief resistant ock assembly Keyless egress.
attempt to open the lock using manual dexterity and manipulative skills, rather than excessive force.
NOTE I Should flu’ locksmith e.pt’rt beliere that it i possible (a apen the lock using a tool that is not listed in A.? hut uhich is qfsimiksr uiailabiI,tj and aggrssuEmess, this shall not, at that point, be recorded U.S U failure, bul shall be rt’prnled to flu’ BSI i’om,njt fee ,y’sponsibk’ for this British Standard (see Forr’uord).
iii) Locks shall be assessed from the side defined by the installation iflstfliet ions as being the attack side.
NOTE 2 In (1w case of a muje of locks, comprLcing those dcx igawd again_sI 11w requi ,nenls Of BS 3621 • awl (l.iAse designed ago inst 11w requirr’nu’n(s of BS 8621, it is ,wressarq to submit onlj the formerfor assessment. In such cases, f the BS 3621 locks an’ judged to ha,’e ixissrd flu’ a.s.sess,nenl, the BS 8621 hx*s will be dre;,wd also to ha ic (101W so.
iv) The principal objective when assessing a range of locks is to identify the most vulnerable lock within the range. This may require more than one lock within a range to be assessed.
A6 Additional procedure for the assessment of lock cylinders (integral or separate)
Cylinders used in a lock design shall additionally be assessed In accordance with the following procedure, for which a further time allowance is made (see A.5).
1) Sample cylinders shall have combmations in which all step heights are In the mid-range. and are as close together as possible, but which also conform to manufacturer’s specification and the requirements of EN 1:103.
ii) During assessment, cylinders shall be installed In a lock, which in turn shall be mounted as detailed in A.3.
iii) The test key used for this assessment shall be machine cut by the manufacturer and shall comprise all bottom steps.
A test key shall be rejected if the locksmith expert does not consider It to be representative of a machine cut key, or is of the opinion that the steps are cut in such a way that it would reduce the likelihood of defeating the cylinder.BS 8621-2007 pdf free download.

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