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BS 8900-2006 pdf free download

BS 8900-2006 pdf free download.Guidance for managing sustainable development.
• recruitment and induction programmes clearly outline the organization’s vision and objectives for sustainable development:
• sustainable development issues and their management are woven intu all relevant professional and functional training;
• learning and (levelopment resources I)rovi(Ie Ol)I)OrttlIIit HS to adapt and develop the organization’s culture and behaviour, where necessary; and
• conipetencies required to manage sustainable development form part of the performance appraisal system.
4.4 Management
4.4.1 General
Within organizations, sustainable development issues can be managed using a range of techniques. The approach chosen will vary according to the needs of the organization an(l its level of sustainable (k’velc)pmdnt maturity.
Some organizations already use recognized management systems, for example in the areas of accountancy, environmental management and employment. It is possible to include elements of sustainable development in these management systems. Alternatively, other approaches can be taken by selecting appropnate performance-based elements. This guidance document does not prescribe any particular approach, however the following elements can form an approach to the management of sustainable development.
4.4.2 Assessing risks and opportunities
For all organizations the issues associated with sustainable development present both opportunities for innovation and developnwnt as well as potential risks. In order to maximize opportunities and minimize risks an assessment should be undertaken which:
• identifies potential issues and impacts, both positive and negative, direct, and indirect, and analyses key risks and opportunities (in terms of impact and likelihood) to establish their significance;
• prioritizes actions and allocates resources to maximize opportunities and minimize risks, to achieve the organization’s sustainable development objectives.
The results of the risk assessment should be shared with relevant stakeholders and used to establish sustainable development objectives that are informed by the organizations vision and its su.stamable development principles.
4.4.3 Identifying performance indicators
To achieve sustainable’ development objectives and measure progres.s in a way which enhances transparency, the organization should:
• identify those indicators that are key In meeting these objectives;
• establish the chosen indicators across relevant parts and functions of the organization;
• define effective methods of assessing performance using these indicators.
NOTE Refrreiice should be nuide to indicators thot nuiy hare already been dfl,u’d by 11w orrjanizeItwu itself fur otht’rpul7NAS(’.s, or by .1u,uhi ,l.s or other lufluent sal o,yiu ii izat ions.
4.4.4 Achieving progress
Organizations should establish processes to review progress against sustainable development objectives regularly. Existing management system processes may he appropriate 1)111 whichever approach is chosen, the organization should:
• assign specific responsibilities to record, manage and track actual performance against the chosen objectives and indieators;
• ensure the process is comprehensive by embedding and integrdting sustainable development objectives in all areas of the organization through inclusion in job responsibilities and personal objectives;
• measure performance equitably and ensure it is subject to the same lwrformance management crdena as any other
organizational objectives.BS 8900-2006 pdf free download.

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