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IEEE 1071-2019 pdf free download
IEEE 1071-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Application Guide for an Engineered Restoration Program for Failed Transmission Structures.
4.2 Structure drawings
Prior to any actual emergency, the utilities should evaluate the transmission system to determine lines that might require an ETRS program. The utility should consider previous failure scenanos and other unique scenarios that could jeopardize the system. A thorough understanding of design requirements for the specific scenarios identified should be documented in an emergency response plan with engineering drawings for the ETRS that could be used to restore the line. Acceptable wind and weight spans for a given structure height and conductor can be shown on the drawings.
In addition, drawings of pre-designed. standardized insulator and hardware assemblies for each voltage level will reduce confusion and improve response to an actual emergency.
5. Training
5.1 Field training
One key to a successful restoration program is to help ensure everyone involved understands the work to be performed. A formal and periodic training program that allows hands-on experience for trainees on the different components of the ETRS, as well as how to erect the structure, will help ensure that when the need to use the structure does arise that the confusion is at a minimum. The training should involve the structure diagrams and the anchoring diagrams. The company safety procedure as they relate to the structure installation should be followed during the training procedure. Recommendations and procedures provided by the restoration structure supplier should be followed provided they are consistent with installer’s safety 29 procedures. The training program should also discuss the handling. hauling, and storage procedures for the restoration structure to help prevent damage to the structure(s).
Videos of the training should be taken to help in classroom refresher courses prior to the next training.
Following each training exercise, the installer’s field crews should re-evaluate restoration plans through a post-event evaluation, in order to make adjustments and or improvements.IEEE 1071-2019 pdf free download.
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