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IEEE 1267-2019 pdf free download
IEEE 1267-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Guide for Development of Specifications for Turnkey Substation Projects.
3.2 Contractor qualification and certification
It is beneficial for the purchaser to understand the background and qualifications of the contractors bidding on the project. The purchaser may choose to request from the contractors their statement of qualificat ions and expertise, financial capabilities, examples of similar projects, list of engineering and/or contractors’ licenses, and resumes of key personnel. This may occur before or during the actual bidding process. Depending on the specifics of the project, any or all of these may bc reason to disqualify a contractor from the bidding process. Some reasons ftr disqualification may be due to the purchaser’s objective requirements: others may be subjective due to the purchaser’s evaluation.
3.3 Importance of detailed scope
A detailed scope of work in a turnkey specification for a given project is important because a detailed scope can provide a clear and complete definition of the project scope and requirements. While potentially a significant amount of up-front work to create, a detailed scope should help the contractors prepare their proposals and should benefit the purchaser by limiting the following aspects of the project:
a) Risk: The more detailed and complete a turnkey specification is, the less chance there is for the purchaser and contractor to have diu1I.ring understanding of key aspects of the project. Incomplete or missing information can lead to delays on responding to the request for proposal (RFP). disputes during the execution phase that could result in project delays, or errors in project execution. Typically, when aspects of a project are not clearly defined and sufficient detail cannot be provided through clarifications in a request for information (RFI) process, bidding contractors will add contingency in cost and schedule to cover the risk involved in the lack of clarity or definition in the scope. The purchaser should consider defining an RFI process for the contractors to request clarification on certain portions of the scope and notify bidding contractors of all RFI responses that materially change the requirements of the specification so that all proposals remain comparable.
b) osI: As described above, contractors tend to add contingency to their proposal price when details or scope of responsibility on certain items arc not well defined. This increases the initial project cost, as well as opening the possibility of costly change orders during the design and execution phase. Since each responding contractor may interpret the RFP differently, differences in proposal price may not be a true representation of responses to the same assumed scope.IEEE 1267-2019 pdf free download.
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