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IEEE 1484.12.3-2020 pdf free download
IEEE 1484.12.3-2020 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Learning Technology Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Definition Language Binding for Learning Object Metadata.
LOM data clement’s aggregate element. For the LOM element, the requirement on the minimum number of times the LOM data clement may appear in a LOM XML instance.
— Max: If a LOM data element is not the top-level LOM element, the requirement on the maximum number of times the LOM data clement may appear in a LOM XML instance in the context of the LOM data element’s aggregate element. For the LOM element, the requirement on the maximum number of times the LOM clement may appear in a LOM XML instance. An infinity symbol (1) indicates that the maximum number of times is unbounded. Values in parenthesis are SPMs.
Order: Indicates whether the order of the values is significant. This standard uses three designators for the order: “Ordered,”“Unordered.” and “Unspecified.”‘Ordered” indicates that the ordering of the values is significant. “Unordered” indicates that the ordering of the values is not significant. For a LOM data element that has a multiplicity of zero or one, the concept of order has no meaning, which is indicated by “Unspecified.”
NOTE—-The significance of the order of a list of ordered values is detennined by the implementation.
LOM data iipe: Indicates whether the LOM data type is defined as LangString, DatcTimc, Duration, Vocabulary. or C’haracterString, or is unspecified. If the LOM data element is an aggregate clement, it has no data type and, therefore, is described as “Unspecified.” If the data type is Vocabulary, the permissible values from the LOMv 1.0 base schema are listed.
Each table that describes an aggregate clement includes the direct-descendant subelements of that aggregate element. For example, [able I in 5.4 describes the LOM data element and includes the LOM data element’s direct-descendant subelements, such as General and Life Cycle. However, the table does not include the subelements of the General element, such as Identifier and Title, If a subelement is also an aggregate element, a separate table describes the subelcment with its direct-descendant subclcments. If information beyond that provided by IEEE Std 1484.12.1-2002 is needed to define subclcmcnts in a LOM XML instance, that information is provided in subelauses of the aggregate element description.
With the exception of the order for Description, Educational, Identifier, and Intended End User Role (in the case of any discrepancy in the tables in 5.4 and 5.5 and IEEE Std 1484.12.1-2002) the values from IEEE Std I 484.12.1-2002 shall be used.IEEE 1484.12.3-2020 pdf free download.
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