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IEEE 1589-2020 pdf free download

IEEE 1589-2020 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Augmented Reality Learning Experience Model.
8.1 Tangibles, configurables, and augmentations
Four different types of resources are described in a workplace model: tangibles, configurables. detectables. and augnientations. Tangibks are things, places. and persons (anything that is “real”). (‘onligurables group together all software and hardware information, such as sensors, devices, and their styling, as well as apps. Detectables collect information on how to detect tangibles using computer vision. This includes fiducial markers, image targets, point clouds, or world anchors. Finally. augmentations group together information on which augmentation primitives, predicate augmentations. and warning signs are defined in this workplace and how they are signified with visual, audio, or haptic signals.
8.1.1 Tangibles—things, places, persons
Activities consist of action steps, where users interact with the workplace. During each step. this may involve handling, movement, communication, or other forms of interaction with the things, places. or persons in that workplace that matter to the activity. Each tangible is defined with a unique identifier and a human-readable name. Moreover, it links to a detectable (see 8.1.3) to specify how it can be discovered and identified by the AR training system automatically. Each tangible thing. place, or person has a default point of interest. If none is provided in the workplace model, the AR training system will assume the geometric center of its detectable to be the default location. Additional points of interest may be added so that they can be referred to via the “poi” attributes in the activity models.
The default point of interest of a tangible is relative to the location of its detectable. This may be the geometric center of the position of a marker (possibly moving around in space) or an anchor defined relative to the workplace origin. The workplace origin is typically configured using a single workplace calibration marker. All additional. nondefault points of interest arc defined relative to the default location. All anchors arc specified relative to the workplace origin.
8.1.2 Configurables—sensors, devices, apps
There are three types of configurables: sensors, devices, and apps. Devices provide information on what hardware is available to reenact the learning experience. For example, there may be activities that require both smart glasses and a tablet computer to be used in interplay.IEEE 1589-2020 pdf free download.

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