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IEEE 1609.0-2019 pdf free download

IEEE 1609.0-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Guide for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments ( WAVE ) Architecture.
4.2 ASTM and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Pursuant to theTransportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, the US. FCC, in consultation with the US. DOT, allocated the 5.850—5.925 GHz band to DSRC in October 1999 (see 5.6). On November 7,2002, the FCC adopted a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) seeking comment on proposed DSRC service rules in the 5.9 GHz hand, and on December 17, 2003, it adopted the DSRC service rules.
To promote the widespread use and evaluation of intelligent vehicle-highway systems technology, the Commiion in the DSRC Report and Order FCC 03-324-2004 [B16j 0324 f B?) adopted the ASTM E2213—03 Standard (ASTM-DSRC) I.2 4J, which was supported by most commenters and which had been developed under an accredited standard setting process. To achieve interoperability, allow open eligibility, and encourage the development of a market for equipment that meets will mtet the needs of public safety DSRC licensees, the rules adopted by the FCC require all DSRC operations in the 5.9 GHz band to comply with the ASTM-DSRC standard. The ASTM-2213-2003 standard 1B21 describes the physical (PIIY) Layer (e.g.. carrier sense multiple access operation. power stral density. adjacent channel interference) and medium access control (MAC) layer protocols that are based on IEEE Std 802.11.
DSRC roadside units (RSUs) (i.e., communication units that are fixed along the roadside) are licensed under Part 90 Subpart M of the FCC rules (“Intelligent Transportation Systems Radio Service”). RSU licensees receive non-exclusive geographic-area licenses authorizing operation on ZQ seventy of the 75 MHz seventy five megahertz of the 5.9 GHz band. Onboard units (OBUs are licensed by rule under new Subpart L of Part 95 of the FCC rules; OBU operation is not geographically restricted by FCC license.
The FCC has defined three levels of priority for operation in the 5.9 G[Iz band. Safety of life and property has thehighest priority. The second highest priority is public safety. which consists of State and Local Government agencies (rion-FederalL which includes groups such as first respc)nders. highway maintenance. State and Local Departments of Transportation. and luh1ic Transit. Also included are authorized groups (usually with a memorandum of agreement) such as private ambulance services and volunteer fire departments. The lowest level of priority arc private service providers, which in dudes all commercial services,
For more information pertaining to the DSRC Service, visit the FCC website h ttps:IJw ww. fcc.gov/dicated-short-rangcommu n icatio n s-dsrc-ser vice.
After ASTM 2213-2003 1B21 was published standardization of the PHY and MAC was moved to the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. Improvements to the standard were made resulting in the amendment IEEE Std 802.llp-2O10. which was subsuentI incorporated into the base standard, IEEE Std
802.11. The FCC rules need to be updated to incorporate the improved standard. Fquipment corrently bang used in testheds and other deployments that have government funding are operating under an experimental National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTlA license and Lire compliant with IEEE Ski 802.11 and the IEEE 1609 family of standards.IEEE 1609.0-2019 pdf free download.

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