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IEEE 2413-2019 pdf free download

IEEE 2413-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for an Architectural Framework for the Internet of Things ( IOT ).
resource constraint is available network bandwidth. Other constraints include packet size, transmission delay, error rates, and others. These constraints may also not be static; they may change based on receiver location, other traffic flows, or network impairments.
Connection availability and negotiation
There are many communication network options for the loT that do not involve a direct high-capacity wired connection and thus rely upon connections that may not always be connected or available. In some cases, more than one network option may be available and the negotiation and selection of the most appropriate option may be performed. The options may also change periodically and the communication system shall adjust accordingly. For applications in the ToT that are scheduled or periodic in nature, matching the communication system capabilities with the overall application requirements with respect to periodic or scheduled connectivity will suffice. Applications that require an autonomous, event-driven response shall have additional capabilities supported by the communication system.
The ability for a network to adapt to different domains, scale from small to extremely large. and manage its health and behaviors describes an autonomic network. Autonornic capabilities are an important consideration for communication systems. For example, collection of environmental readings for forest management can be easily met with a periodic connection where the network is available at a designated frequency (e.g., every 30 mm), but is inadequate when the sensors are also detecting events such as the ignition of a fire, where the delay to the next periodic time slot (30 mm) can cause significant detriment to the overall application. Each of these scenarios could be modeled as separate applications and the communications could be adjusted to meet the requirements of each application. The balance of network resource availability and awareness shall be included as part of the overall communication system. Topologies and hierarchies for loT
Along with the myriad of communication networks and technologies applicable to the loT, there are a wide range of topologies that can be applied and combined to provide the end-to-end communication system. Topology choices can be made to implement specific requirements and to achieve specific objectives. For example, a mesh topology could be used to achieve specific requirements for reliability/resilience in a local context.IEEE 2413-2019 pdf free download.

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