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IEEE 2420-2019 pdf free download

IEEE 2420-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Standard Criteria for Combustion Turbine-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
a) Engine rotating shall begin upon receipt of a simulated start-combustion turbine signal, and the combustion turbine-generator unit shall accelerate to specified frequency and voltage within thc required time interval.
b) Immediately following step a), the combustion turbine-generator unit shall accept a single-step load ?50% of the rated kilowatt output. Load may be totally resistive or a combination of resistive and inductive loads.
c) Recommended categorization of these starts are below:
1) At least 10 of these tests shall be perfonned with the combustion turbine-generator unit initially at cold standby or standby (standstill) as recommended by the engine manufacturer. After load is applied, the combustion turbine-generator unit shall continue to operate until the operating parameter. e.g. speed, temperatures. become stable.
2) At least 9() tests shall be hot start.
d) If the cause for failure to start or accept load in accordance with the preceding sequence falls under any of the categories listed below, that particular test shall be disregarded. and the test sequence shall be resumed without penalty following identification and correction of the cause for the unsuccessful attempt.
I) Unsuccessful start attempts that can definitely be attributed to operator error, including setting of alignment control switches, rheostats, or potentiometers, or other adjustments that may have been changed inadvertently prior to that particular start test.
2) Tests performed for verification of a scheduled maintenance procedure required during this series of tests. This maintenance procedure shall be defined prior to conducting the start and load acceptance tests and will then become a part ofthe normal maintenance schedule after installation.
3) Tests perfomied in the process of troubleshooting. Each start attempt performed in the troubleshooting process shall be defined as such before a start attempt is made.
4) Successful start attempts that .rere terminated intentionally without loading.IEEE 2420-2019 pdf free download.

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