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IEEE 2755.1-2019 pdf free download

IEEE 2755.1-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Guide for Taxonomy for Intelligent Process Automation Product Features and Functionality.
4. Licensing and consumption models
Software Based Intelligent Process Automation technology is a new and di tierent type of software pbtfotin in that it does not inherently contain codified busmcss logic as most enterprise apphcations do. Far example. when purchasing an application for managing finance or supply chain, the app contains pre-buiIt’ logic tot thc automation of common transactions and pwccsscs in that function. ft is funher configurable or customizable to meet business needs,
Intclligcrn Process Automation products are d,ftctcnt in that they do not inherently contain any business logc. They arc designed as general purpose digital software pbtforms for creasing. storing, and deploying ‘appicts” that contain codified bu’uness logw. These appless can access any kind ofesisting application. website. or
repository that any person with access pn’. ikges in the enterprise can. I: follows. thcn. that the type and aticsy of business loc that might be contained in a configured applct is nearly infinite.
This mode of consumption is different from an operating system and different from a typical busincss application Deploying an Intelligent Process Automation product does not address any speci& business problem or opportunity, and does not inherently process anything for the business. It is only after installing the Intelligent Process Automation plalfusm and using the included tools to create an applet (or what may variously be called a ‘buC or “robot” or “automation.” depending on icalcl that the Intelligent Process Automation platform begins to perform busmess p cesses and delner value.
When purebacing an Intelligent Process Automation platform product. the enterpnsc is essentially buying a toolsct that enables future configuration and deployment of independent applets. The scope. breadth and complexity of a deployed applet currently possesses no generally acknowledged measure of capacity.
Some in the industry may describe a unit of process executional capacity in terms of what ma be pert unned by a platform hccn’ic Others may describe a wut of capacity based on the computational size of the hardware on which the apples is runnIng Still others may dcscnhc a unit of capacity in terms of the sp.xiñc configured process automation.
When esaluaung a purchase of an lrnelhgcnt Process Automation platform. therefore. careful consideration must be giscn to that product’s licensing model, and relative cxecutwnal potential per unit of cosl, with cost being a combitton oflicense and hardware
The usc of the term platform when talking about Intelligent Process Automation products is intentional In most typical Intelligent Process Automation platforms, the buyer is getting at least four fundamental caahilities:
– Config. build, test capability
Management console
Run-time or execution units.IEEE 2755.1-2019 pdf free download.

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