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IEEE 2780-2019 pdf free download

IEEE 2780-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Insulation-Piercing Connectors. Test procedure and requirements
Each temperature risc test consists of a temperature-rise process after power-un. a temperature stahiliiation process. and a cooling prwcss after power-oft. The temperature-risc test shall he repeated three times with ac power. The test current shall be determined by the rated current-carrying capacity of the reference cahlc. During the test, the cable temperature shall not be higher than the maximum operating temperature of the testing cable.
Temperature rise process: The IPU temperature and the reference cable temperature start to rise right after the current is applied to the test circuit. Accelerated temperature rise is allowed, hut the current for temperature risc acceleration shall not exceed 1.5 times of the test current.
Teinpeiviure stabilization process: If the temperature fluctuation of the IPC and the reference cable is not greater than 2 °C for 15 mm. it could be regarded as having reached steady state. After the steady state lasts for 30 mm, the reference cable temperature. the IPC temperature. and the ambient temperature shall he measured and recorded.
cooling process: Drop the current to zero and then shut oti the power. The temperature of the IP( and the lest reference cable shall at least be 5 C above amhieiit temperature. and then (he next temperature rise test can he conducted. Forced cooling is allowed, helping ensure that the whole test circuit shall cool down at a unifom speed.
During the test, the IPC shall not he retightened or readjusted.
The resistances of the main cable, the branch cable, and the IPCs shall be measured as per 5.7.1.
The resistance of each IPC, and the temperature rise of each IPU shall comply with 4.1.2.
5.7.3 Heat cycle test Test conditions
Test conditions shall be consistent with 5.7. 1 . 1. Test cables
Test cables shall be consistent with 5.6.4. 1. Potential measurement points
Potential measurement points shall he consistent with 5.7. 1 .4. Temperature measurement points
Temperature measurement points shall he consistent with IPC connection
Connection ot IP(S shall be consistent with 2780-2019 pdf free download.

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