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IEEE 2804-2019 pdf free download
IEEE 2804-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Software-Hardware Interface for Multi-Many-Core.
1.4.2 Software view—what is in and what is not
Tools should primarily use SHIM to aid developing software that runs on multi-many-core hardware. Therefore, the key strategy in defining the SHIM specification is to describe the hardware but only for the information that is relevant to such tools. This is referred to as a ‘software view’ of hardware. as opposed to ‘hardware view’, where the focus would be the physical/electrical means of inter-connects between processing cores, the Network on Chip (NoC) protocol used to route the memory read request by a particular core, the number of processor pipeline stages. the cache coherency protocol. etc., unless these features matter greatly to some class of took that aid software development.
It is tempting and relatively easy to include additional hardware properties in SHIM; however, this will result in a more complex SHIM XML, requiring more effort to grasp the schema and complicating the effort for tools to use this information. Furthermore, the most critical issue is the challenge to create a ShIM XML in the first place—leading to limited adoption of the SHIM standard.
The basic principle is to capture the properties that affect the software a! the archiu’ctj,ral design level. This is to say. if a design-aid tool uses SHIM to produce an appropriate software design for a particular hardware described by a SHIM XML. then the design should not require modification at the software architectural level at the later stages of system development.
Although the “software architectural design level” is the baseline, it is sometimes difficult to agree on whether a particular hardware property is important. The rule of thumb is that if an actual (even imaginable) use case cannot be derived, the ShIM specification excludes it.
For various reasons, a number of potential hardware properties have not been included in the current specification. One of the primary reasons is that the excluded types of hardware properties are peripheral to existing properties in the specification. Such hardware properties may be included in a future version of the specification, but it was decided to take an evolutionary approach and stabilize the more basic properties first.
The most basic properties selected for inclusion in SHIM arc the following: topology, address space, inter- core communication, and performance and configuration.IEEE 2804-2019 pdf free download.
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