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IEEE 370-2020 pdf free download

IEEE 370-2020 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Electrical Characterization of Printed Circuit Board and Related Interconnects at Frequencies up to 50 GHz.
5.2.1 Introduction
Verification of the accuracy of the process of dc-embedding the fixture(s) from measured and simulated data has three aspects:
— Verification of the accuracy of the dc-embedding sofiware tool. This is accomplished through the use of S-parameters for the composite FIX-DUT-FIX and 2X-Thru FIX-FIX calculated using a numerical simulator, the results from which are compared to the de-embedded results.
-— Verification of the agreement between the dc-embedded DUT model and the measured data of the DUT alone. This second type of verification test applies to the combination of a measurement process and a dc-embedding tool. This method utilizes specially designed and fabricated circuit boards with coaxial connectors that allow the boards to be measured separately and then in combination to create composite FIX-DUT-FIX structures and 2X-Thru FIX-FIX structures. In this way the embedded DUT can be measured directly and the results of this measurement compared to the dc-embedded DUT S-parameters to verify the measurement and dc-embedding process.
— Verification of the accuracy of the dc-embedded data across the manufacturing process variations under which a number of tested samples were made. This involves fabricating various structures on an evaluation board to test the reproducibility of the same structure repeated with different fixture features.
These three aspects are described in more detail in the following clauses.
5.2.2 Option I analysis: Synthesized libraries
Option I analysis verifies the dc-embedding algorithm using synthesized S-parameter reference files. These
S-parameter files are synthesized using field solver and circuit simulator tools. Files are supplied from both
electromagnetic tools and open source simulation tools, the models for which any user can customize.
Those files are available for download from http:l/standards.ieee.org/downloads/. ‘
Both simulated fixture and DUT files are provided with a variety of features to allow for testing the effects of different dc-embedding scenarios. Combinations of composite FIX-DUT-FIX and 2X-Thru FIX-FIX structures can be composed by concatenating the individual S-parameter blocks. IEEE 370-2020 pdf free download.

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