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IEEE 802.1AX-2020 pdf free download

IEEE 802.1AX-2020 pdf free download.lEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Link Aggregation.
6.2.1 Principles of Link Aggregation
Link Aggregation allows an Aggregator Client to treat a set of one or more Aggregation Ports as if it were a single port. In doing so. it employs the following principles and concepts:
a) An Aggregator Client communicates with a set of Aggregation Ports through an Aggregator, which presents a standard ISS interface to the Aggregator Client. One or more Aggregation Ports attach to an Aggregator within a System.
b) It is the responsibility of the Aggregator to distribute frame transmissions from the Aggregator Client to the various Aggregation Ports, and to collect received frames from the Aggregation Poils and pass them to the Aggregator Client transparently.
c) A System can contain multiple Aggregators, serving multiple Aggregator Clients. A given Aggregation Port will attach to (at most) a single Aggregator at any time. An Aggregator Client is served by a single Aggregator at a time.
d) The attachment of Aggregation Ports to Aggregators within a System is managed by the Link Aggregation Control function for that System. which is responsible for determining which links can be aggregated, aggregating them, attaching the Aggregation Ports within the System to an appropriate Aggregator, and monitoring conditions to determine when a change in aggregation is needed.
e) Such determination and attachment might be under manual control through direct manipulation of the state variables of Link Aggregation (e.g., Keys) by a network manager. In addition, automatic determination, configuration, attachment, and monitoring can occur through the use of a Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). LACP uses peer exchanges across the links to determine, on an ongoing basis, the aggregation capability of the various links and continuously provides the maximum level of aggregation capability achievable between a given pair of Systems.
f) Frame ordering has to be maintained for certain sequences of frame exchanges between Aggregator Clients (known as conversations, see Clause 3). The Frame Distributor ensures that all frames of a given conversation are passed to a single Aggregation Port. For any given Aggregation Port. the Frame Collector is required to pass frames to the Aggregator Client in the order that they are received from that Aggregation Port. The Frame Collector is otherwise free to select frames received from the Aggregation Ports in any order. IEEE 802.1AX-2020 pdf free download.

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