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IEEE C95.1-2020 pdf free download
IEEE C95.1-2020 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields, 0 Hz to 300 GHz.
for frequencies below 100 kHz. including those studies that involve exposures below electrostirnulation thresholds.
For frequencies between 100 kHz and 300 GHz, tissue heating and whole-body heating predominate. The most sensitive reproducible effect is disruption of food-motivated behavior in animal species. ranging from rodents to primates and over a wide range of frequencies. These findings are consistent with those of interdisciplinary panels of scientists from scientific and governmental organizations that have evaluated the literature, including chronic (long-term) exposure studies (see Annex C). Data from studies published between 1948 and December 2017 were considered for frequencies from 6 GI-Iz to 300 GHz. including those studies that involve low-level exposures where increases in temperature could not be measured or were not expected.6
The previous standard IEEE Std C95. 1-2005 [B668j contained two exposure tiers: I ) an upper tier for “people in controlled environments,” and 2) a lower tier designated an “action level.” above which steps should be initiated to protect against exposures that exceed the upper tier (specifically, implementation of an RF safety program). The upper boundary of the lower tier was considered to be an exposure limit for the general public.
Various new definitions are introduced in this standard. The terms unrestricted tier (lower tier) and restricted tier (upper tier) refer to ranges of permissible exposure values, with each tier having an upper limit.7 The lower tier limit is designated as the “safety program initiation level” (rather than as the “action level”) to emphasize that an RF safety program is necessary. It should be noted that in this standard, the upper tier exposure limit is referred to as applicable to “persons permitted in restricted environments,” to emphasize that individuals might occupy restricted environments, where the higher ERLs and DRLs are applicable, if those individuals follow the applicable safety program guidance and procedures. This standard specifically avoids the declaration that only individuals who are exposed because of their occupation may enter restricted environments. For portable devices, such as mobile phones and professional two-way radios, the lower tier DRL is applicable to devices available to the general public. The higher tier DRL is applicable to devices for which user awareness information/training is provided.
The literature review also evaluated the possibility of adverse health effects associated with chronic low- level exposure. For exposures to electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields at frequencies between 0 Hz and 300 GHz, the following two conclusions were reached:
a) The weight-of-evidence provides no credible indication of adverse effects caused by chronic exposures below levels specified in this standard.IEEE C95.1-2020 pdf free download.
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