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IEEE IEC 62704-4-2020 pdf free download

IEEE IEC 62704-4-2020 pdf free download.Determining the peak spatial-average specific absorption rate (SAR) in the human body from wireless communication devices, 30 MHz to 6 GHz — Part 4: General requirements for using the finite element method for SAR calculations.
7.2.6 Dielectric parameters of the phantom or body model
The dielectric parameters of the tissues or tissue-equivalent medium of the phantom or body model are usually affected by uncertainties according to their specification. The impact of these uncertainties on the psSAR shall be evaluated by applying the minimum and maximum conductivity and permittivity (four different combinations). The minimum and maximum shall be chosen according to the uncertainty that is reported by the reference of the dielectric parameters. Dielectric parameters for particular reference phantoms or models can be specified with an uncertainty of zero. In this case, no additional evaluations are required, and the corresponding entry in Table I shall be set to zero. The maximum deviation from the p5SAR obtained using the nominal value of the permittivity and conductivity shall be reported.
7.3 Uncertainty and validation of the developed numerical model of the DUT
7.3.1 General
The purpose of 7.3 is to assess simulation uncertainty contribution related to the accuracy of the DUT modelling, with respect to the SAR induced in the exposed phantom. Among other parameters, the evaluated SAR depends on the RF current distribution in the DUT and therefore has an uncertainty associated with the limited accuracy due to simplifications introduced to a CAD-based DUT model. The level of details necessary to develop an accurate numerical model of a real device and the evaluation of its uncertainty depend on the testing or exposure assessment configurations. Many exposure conditions include the DUT in close proximity to the exposed object with some degree of interaction between them. This interaction can be accounted for by the FEM. In general, to properly account for this interaction, it is important not to define a fixed distribution of the RF currents on the OUT model, for example, by using a set of distributed current sources or by forcing the magnetic fields to a particular value in the solver software. The antenna feed-point(s) of the DUT model shall be fed by one or more sources which ensure that the contributions of all parts of the DUT which contribute to the RF current distribution be appropriately reproduced. The accuracy of this model shall be evaluated by comparing the measurements and the simulations of the electromagnetic fields generated by the DUT at specific reference locations.IEEE IEC 62704-4-2020 pdf free download.

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