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IEEE Std 1082-2020 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1082-2020 pdf free download.Guide for incorporating human reliability analysis into probabilistic risk assessments for nuclear power generating stations and other nuclear facilities. Purpose
The purpose of this step is to assemble a highly qualified team that works well together and integrates several important skills and disciplines. The quality of the [IRA portion of a PRA depends. in large part. on ensuring that the individuals selected as team members possess the necessary technical skills and ability to work and communicate efl’ectively as a team. This teamwork, early in the PRA, will facilitate the development of the I IRA and the accuracy of the PRA. Description
The expertise required for the HRA-PRA team includes items a) through g) below. These experts interface with other experts on the PRA team and at the plant as needed. This list does not imply that individuals in each of the specific areas are required. Individuals may have multiple areas of expertise, e.g.. a PRA analyst with operations background who is trained in IIRA methods. To help ensure proper consideration of human aspects of risk. HRA expertise should be part of the PRA team throughout the analysis. The team should have the following cumulative experience:
a) Plant operations personnel provide experienced insight into the way(s) in which people conduct their jobs/tasks in light of training, procedures, and operating experience. As such, they provide added reality to the analysis of human-system interaction and can identify information about task requirements that may not be apparent from system operating descriptions and procedures.
b) Human factors engineering personnel provide information about the expected effects of task and workplace characteristics on human performance, given human capabilities and limitations. Human factors engineers augment the team by identifying attributes of tasks and task environments that should be taken into account when evaluating performance shaping factors that contribute to the reliability or risk of an operation.
c) Huma,, reliability analysts develop or work with the developed detailed qualitative models of the human-system analysis to provide both qualitative and quantitative estimations of human reliability. IEEE Std 1082-2020 pdf free download.

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