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IEEE Std 1594-2020 pdf free download
IEEE Std 1594-2020 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Helically-Applied Fiber Optic Cable Systems ( WRAP ) for Use on Overhead Utility Lines.
Longer active and/or back spans may be used. (see Figure A. I ) The suspension assembly shall be supported at a height such that the static sag angle of the cable to the horizontal is 1% ° ± 4 ° in the active span.
Means shall be provided for measuring and monitoring the mid-loop (antinode) vibration amplitude at a free loop, not a support loop.
An electronically controlled shaker shall be used to excite the cable in the vertical plane. The shaker armature shall be securely fastened to the cable so that it is perpendicular to the cable in the vertical plane. The shaker shall he located in the span to allow for a minimum of six vibration loops between the suspension assembly and the shaker.
The test length (i.e., between the dead-end assemblies) of the optical fiber shall be a minimum of 100 m.
To achieve this length several fibers may be spliced together. At least one fiber shall be tested from each
buffer tube or fiber bundle. Measurements shall be made using a light source with a nominal wavelength of
1550 nm ±20 nm for single-mode fibers and a nominal wavelength of 1300 nrn ±20 nm thr multimode fibers.
The source shall be split into two signals. One signal shall be connected to an optical power meter and shall act as a reference. The other signal shall be connected to a free end of the test fiber. The returning signal shall he connected to a second optical power meter. All optical connections and splices shall remain intact through the entire test duration.
An initial optical measurement shall be taken when the span is pre-tensioned to approximately 10% of the maximum installation tension. A second optical measurement shall be taken after final tensioning to the maximum installation tension. The difference between the two signals for the initial measurement provides a reference level. The change in this difference during the test will indicate the change in attenuation of the test fiber. The signals may be output on a strip chart recorder for a continuous hardcopy report. Test procedure
The cable shall be subjected to a minimum of 1(X) million vibration cycles. The frequency of the test span shall be equal to and maintained at the nearest resonant frequency produced by a 16.1 km/h wind [i.e., frequency = 92.92/(diamcter of cable in cm)]. The free loop peak to peak anti-node amplitude shall be maintained at a level equal to one-half the diameter of the conductor or ground wire.IEEE Std 1594-2020 pdf free download.
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