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IEEE Std 1800.2-2020 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1800.2-2020 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Universal Verification Methodology Language Reference Manua.
12.1 Overview
UVM provides a collection of classes and interfaces for transaction-level modeling (TLM). These objects enable transaction-level communication between entities, meaning requests are sent and responses received by transmitting transaction objects through various interfaces. The UVM TLM facility consists oftwo parts. UVM TLM I (see J2.) is concerned with passing messages of arbitrary types through ports and exports. UVM TLM 2 (see 12.3) is concerned with modeling protocols and is based on sockets and a standardized transaction object called a generic payload. Sockets are constructed from ports and are connected in a similar manner (see 12.3.5). Sockcts provide both blocking and non-blocking style of communication as vcIl as forward and backward paths.
12.2 UVM TLM I
12.2.1 General
Each UVM TLM I interface is either blocking, non-blocking, or a combination of the two, as follows:
a) blocking—A blocking interface conveys transactions in blocking fashion; its methods do not return until the transaction has been successfully sent or retrieved. Because delivery may consume time to complete. the methods in such an interface are declared as tasks.
b) non-blocking—A non-blocking interface conveys transactions in a non-blocking fashion; the methods return immediately regardless of success. Its methods arc declared as /iinctions. Because delivery may fail (e.g., the target component is busy and cannot accept the request), the methods may return with failed status.
c) combination—A combination interface contains both the blocking and non-blocking variants.
UVM TLM i ‘s port and export implementations allow connections between ports whose interfaces are not an exact match. For example, an uvm_blocking_get_port can be connected to any port, export. or imp port that provides, at a minimum, an implementation of the blocking get interface, which includes the uvmget_* ports. exports, and imps: the uvm_blocking_get_peek_* ports, exports, and imps: and the uvmget_peek_* ports. exports. and imps.IEEE Std 1800.2-2020 pdf free download.

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