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IEEE Std 1937.1-2020 pdf free download
IEEE Std 1937.1-2020 pdf free download.IEEE Standard Interface Requirements and Performance Characteristics of Payload Devices in Drones.
a) The mechanical interface shall match the reserved structure of the unmanned aircraft interface or the gimbal. and the structure size should be as small as practical.
b) The weight of the mechanical interface should be as light as practical.
c) The structure of the mechanical interface shall be stable, not easy to deform.
d) The structure of the mechanical interface shall be easy to mount and dismount.
e) The mounting position of the mechanical interface shall not adversely affect the stability of the unmanned aircrafl.
fl For the interface used on drones with gimbal, the equipped payload gravity center should be in the center line oithe gimbal pitch axis.
6.3 Electrical interface
Requirements of the electrical interface are as follows:
a) If the power supply requirement of payload can be met by the drone through reliable communication. the drone shall supply power to payload devices through the electrical interface according to the requirement: ifthe requirement cannot be communicated or met, the power shall be supplied according to the capacity of the drone.
b) The drone should provide a regulated dc power output to payload devices through the electrical interface at a minimum.
C) The drone may provide unregulated dc power to payload devices through the electrical interface.
d) Power supply provided by the electrical interface shall have short-circuit protection. The drone should have the ability to limit the current consumption of payload devices to prevent excessive exploitation of battery power.
e) Current-carrying capacity of the electrical interface contacts shall be sufficiently derated to verify maximum temperature rise be no more than 20 °C under the highest loading situation. High-current power and ground connections should use multiple redundant contacts.
f) The design of the electrical interface should consider performance required by the drone, including, but not limited to, impedance, voltage drop, insulation/maximum leakage current, dielectric strength, power capacity. slew rate, frequency/bandwidth. duty cycle, jitter, delay, loss/attenuation, crosstalk, and isolation requirements.
g) Contacts of the electrical interface shall use anti-corrosion, anti-oxidation, and abrasion-resistant materials or relative surface-finishing technology. To help prevent electrochemical corrosion, metal materials with mismatched properties (such as copper and aluminum) shall avoid direct contact or their contact surfaces shalt be covered with appropriate coatings or insulating materials.
h) The electrical interface shall have anti-shock and anti-vibration structure. Power and signals of the electrical interface shall be protected from unintentional short-circuit and mating at wrong orientation or position.
i) The electrical interface shall include one or more communication interfaces, such as asynchronous serial communication interface, controller area network (CAN) bus, high definition multimedia intcrface(IIDML). universal serial bus (USB) interface, Ethernet interface. etc.
j) The electrical interface supporting camera-type payload shall include frame synchronization signals, such as vertical synchronization (VSYNC).
k) The electrical interface should support the communication of timing and geographic location information, such as pulse per second (PPS) and real time kinematic (RTK) data.IEEE Std 1937.1-2020 pdf free download.
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