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IEEE Std 2804-2019 pdf free download

IEEE Std 2804-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Software-Hardware Interface for Multi-Many-Core.
4.8.1 General
There are two different aspects of configuration in SHIM that are needed by software tools. One aspect is the configuration of software tools based on the basic hardware properties (e.g., cluster organization, number of cores, memory size, processor ISA). These are static hardware properties and tools are able to read the SHIM XML file and configure themselves accordingly. The other aspect is configuring the hardware dynamic properties (e.g., clock frequency, various modes and setting for transfer accelerator) that can be modified according to the system design. For dynamic properties. the tools’ user is often required to input the configuration, thus the tools must provide a user interface (either command line or graphical). SHIM provides a mechanism called Common Configuration File (CCF). to serve both for describing the configurable properties and also simultaneously defining the user interface.
Changing the configuration often affects the performance properties. The CCF is designed so that it can also describe how the selection or input value of particular configurable items affect the pertbrmance properties.
4.8.2 Common Configuration File (CCF)
The CCF extends SI-JIM to describe configurable hardware elements and also defines a standard way to generate configuration UI by the tools that support it. The CCF describes the configurable items in a file called CCF XML; this is a separate XML file from the SHIM XML. Software tools using SHIM can utilize this mechanism to provide a configuration tool user interface (see 9.1.3) within its tool, or as a separate standalone tool. When the configuration tool is executed, along with the SHIM XML and CCF, it provides a mechanism to modify the specific parts of SHIM XML, according to the inputs made by the tool user. which can also be automated by the tool.
The SHIM XML and CCF are inter-linked via XPath, the XML Path Language (a query language for selecting nodes from an XML document). In addition, XPath may be used to compute values (e.g., strings. numbers, or l3oolean values) from the content of an XML document.
Figure is an example of an actual CCF.IEEE Std 2804-2019 pdf free download.

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