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IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 pdf free download

IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 6 Maintenance # 13 : Power over Ethernet over 2 pairs.
PDs with pse_power_type set to I shall conform to and Pcak Pt) requirements within TIh mm as defined in Tabic 33—Il. PDs with pscjowcr type set to 2 shall not xceedCiass 3 as defined in Table 33—18. from Tinrusti tTlIfl until Peak operating power
Change ihe second paragraph of 33.3. 7.4 as follows:
At any static voltage at the P1, and any PD operating condition, the peak power shall not exceed ‘Ubss_PD max for more than TCUT mm, as defined in Table 33—Il and 5% duty cycle. Peak operating power shall not exceed-Pp,if Pk pp max. Backfeed voltage
Change as folio n’s:
itied on the conductors for Mode A
Mode B with . 100 load _._t i
When any oltage in the range of 0 V to Vpp,. PD max is applied across the P1 at either polarity specified on the conductors for Mode B according to T.hle33 13. the volge measured across the P1 for Mode A rith a l0() k2 load resistor connected across Mode A shall not exceed Vhfij max as specified in Table 33—18.
When 1pp1ntax is applied across the P1 at either polarity sp
i—to—Tahle 3-3 13, the the P1 tiir
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I_IlfltH-_I ti-_Il f It-Ill lUll t4t1Il nrn t-v ‘rwi 1 rs i iii • i.r,.a— . j w iti-u p-HUX t uppi itu trr th Pt
at either polarity specified on the-conductors tiM Mode H according 4o [able-3-3–13, the volta-ge meusured
avro.s the P1 for Mode A with a 100 load resistor connected shall-not exceed max.
When ally voltage in the range of 0 V to VPOD max is applied across the P1 at either polarity specitied on
the conductors for Mode A according to Table 33—13. the voltage measured across the P1 for Mode B with a
100 kΩ load resistor connected across Mode B shall not exceed V max as specified in Table 33—18.IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 pdf free download.

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