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UL 1004-10-2020 pdf free download

UL 1004-10-2020 pdf free download.Pool Pump Motors.
4,1 Unless otherwise noted, all tests shall be conducted with the motor connected to a supply of rated voltage and rated frequency, with the output shaft mechanically loaded such that the motor is operating at rated THP.
4.2 A DPPP motor shall not operate with a capacitor start induction run (CSIR) or split phase (SP) configuration at maximum operating speed.
4.3 Compliance with 42 shall be determined by inspecting the motor configuration provided by the DPPP motor manufacturer. When compliance cannot be determined by inspection, the motor shall be operated at the maximum speed setting. After start-up, while running at the maximum speed setting, the motor circuit shall be inspected to determine compliance with 42.
5 Operational Test for a Variable-Speed Control DPPP Motor
5.1 A DPPP motor with a total horsepower (as defined in 26) greater than or equal to 1.15 THP shall comply with 52- 510 and 61- 3.
5.2 The motor shall be capable of operating at four or more discrete user- or pre-determined operating speeds and comply with the definition of j{a) in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
5.3 To verify compliance with 5.2, the motor shall be operated at each speed setting, and the speed shall be recorded. The speed at each setting shall be compared to the maximum operating speed and shall comply with 52.
5.4 The motor shall be provided with one of the configurations that is described in the definition of
5.5 Compliance with 4 shall be determined by inspecting the motor configuration provided by the DPPP motor manufacturer. When compliance cannot be determined by inspection, the motor shall be operated per the manufacturers instructions, using the settings permitted by the motor drive and/or user interface. The configuration and settings shall be recorded and shall comply with 5.4.
5.6 If the motor is provided with a high-speed override function, the motor shall comply with the definition of 2.16(c).
5.7 Compliance with 5.6 shall be determined by inspection, review of the user manual, and review of the relevant documentation provided by the DPPP motor manufacturer. When compliance cannot be determined by inspection, the motor shail be operated and the high speed override setting shall be enabled such that the motor is deliberately operating at high-speed.UL 1004-10-2020 pdf free download.

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