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UL 1030-2019 pdf free download

UL 1030-2019 pdf free download.Sheathed Heating Elements.
d) The date or other dating period of manufacture not exceeding any three consecutive months.
Exception No, 1: The manufacturer’s identification may be in a traceable code when the heating element is identified by the brand or trademark owned by a private labeler.
Exception No. 2: The date of manufacture may be abbreviated: or may be in a nationally accepted
conventional code or in a code affirmed by the manufacturer, provided that the code:
a) Does not repeat in less than 20 years, and
b) Does not require reference to the production records of the manufacturer to determine when the
heating element was manufactured.
Exception No. 3: The electrical rating may be omitted when a separate identifying designation is assigned for each rating.
17.2 A heating element intended for use in a household or similar cord-connected appliance, see 12.1. or the container in which the element is shipped shall be marked to indicate such use.
17.3 A heating element intended exclusively for use in a household electric range. oven, or surface assembly — see the Exception to 12.1 — or the container in which such an element is shipped — shall be marked with the word ‘CAUTION” and the following or the equivalent: ‘For use only in a household electric range, oven, or surface assembly where the exposed metal parts are connected to the neutral at the factory or provided with a four-conductor cord at the factory. Use in any other cord-connected household appliance may result in a risk of electric shock.”
17.4 When a manufacturer produces or assembles heating elements at more than one factory, each finished heating element shall have a distinctive marking, which may be in code, by which it may be identified as the product of a particular factory.
17.5 When the sheathed portion of the heating element is marked, the marking shall not be located on the outside diameter of a bend, and the element shall comply with the performance requirements in the standard after the marking is applied.
17.6 A heating element not intended for use in free air, oc the container in which the element is shipped. shall be marked with the wod CAUTION” and the specific use for which it is intended, such as “For use only submersed in water” or “For use only in a metal heat sink.”
17.7 The marking specified in and ,!shall appear on the heating element or shipping container. The marking may also be included in the installation instructions but shall be separated in format from the installation instructions.UL 1030-2019 pdf free download.

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