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UL 1247-2019 pdf free download

UL 1247-2019 pdf free download.Diesel Engines for Driving Stationary Fire Pumps. During the tests performed in 20,1.2,2. verify that the high engine temperature alarm described in J.(d) is not active.
20.1.3 Electric starting system cranking An engine equipped with electric starting components shall demonstrate the capability of providing at least twelve consecutive 15-second cranking attempts. with 15 second interval between attempts, at full rated cranking speed with two battery units sized as referenced in 24.j(l). After conditioning for a minimum of 8 hours aL40F (4.5°C) including the battery units with only the automatic heater operating. an engine shall be subjected to 15 second cranking cycles without fuel supplied to the engine. The 15 second cranking cycles, with a 15 second interval between attempts. shall be alternated between the two battery units. The cranking revolutions per minute shall be recorded. At the end of the last cranking cycle, fuel shall be supplied to the engine and the engine shall start.
20.1.4 Pneumatic starting system cranking An engine equipped with pneumatic starting components shall be tested to demonstrate the capability to provide 180 seconds of continuous cranking ata speed (rpm) necessary to start the engine After a minimum of 4 hours at room temperature and no fuel supplied to the engine, an engine equipped with pneumatic starting components shall be subjected to 180 seconds of continuous cranking without recharging the air supply. The cranking speed in revolutions per minute shall be recorded. At the end of the 180 seconds of cranking, fuel shall be supplied to the engine and the engine shall start.
20.1.5 Hydraulic starting system cranking An engine equipped with hydraulic starting components shall be tested to demonstrate the capability of at least six consecutive 15-second cranking attempts with the cranking at a speed (rpm) necessary to start the engine. Each cranking attempt is to be conducted with the intake air temperature. ambient temperature. and the hydraulic cranking system at 32F (0.0CC). After conditioning for a minimum of 8 hours at 32’ F (0.0°C) with only the automatic heater operating. an engine shall be subjected to six 15-second cranking cycles without fuel supplied to the engine. The first three cranking cycles are to be initiated by simulating an automatic start and the last three cranking cycles shall be initiated with a manual engine start control, At the end of the last cranking cycle. fuel shall be supplied to the engine and the engine shall start. The cranking speed in revolutions per minute shall be recorded.UL 1247-2019 pdf free download.

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