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UL 1441-2018 pdf free download

UL 1441-2018 pdf free download.Coated Electrical Sleeving.
empty and then returned for refilling. Where the overall flame is blue and the height of the blue inner cone is other than 17 ± 1 mm (0.67 ± 0.04 in) without any change of the settings, the contents of the cylinder likely are at low pressure. A gas-supply gauge pressure of 69 to 138 kPa (10 to 20 lbf/iri2) has been found adequate to maintain the required flame. A cylinder shall not be used when this range of pressure is no longer sustainable at room temperature.
5.6.5 The burner shall be secured in an adjustable support jig with the longitudinal axis of the barrel vertical. The jig shall be positioned to place the longitudinal axis of the barrel in the vertical plane that intersects the specimen perpendicularly at the marker located 51 mm (2 in) or from the left-hand point of support of the specimen. The jig shall also be positioned to place the intersection of the longitudinal axis of the barrel and the plane of the tip of the barrel 16.5 ± 1.5 mm (11/16 ± 0.5 in) below the point, Point A, at which the extended longitudinal axis of the barrel meets the outer surface of the underside of the specimen at the 51 mm (2 in) marker. As shown in Figure 2, Point A is the point on the surface of the underside of the specimen at which the tip of the blue inner cone shall touch the specimen.
5.6.6 The support for the burner shall be arranged to enable the burner to be swung or slid into the position described in Clause 5.6.5 and quickly removed. The motion of the burner is not to disturb the layer of cotton on the testing surface or result in the cotton coming away from the base of the burner.
5.6.7 The burner shall be supported as indicated in Clause 5.6.6 in a position away from the specimen and then lit; where the burner has a gas pilot light, the pilot shall not be used. The lit burner shall be moved into position to apply the tip of the blue inner cone of its flame to the underside of the specimen at the 51 mm (2 in) marker (point A), kept there for 30 seconds, removed to a position well away from the specimen, and then extinguished by closing the gas supply valve. Note Is to be taken and a record made of whether any flaming of the specimen progresses beyond the 178 mm (7 in) marker. Where flaming of the specimen passes this marker, the amount of time that the specimen flame takes to progress from the 178 mm (7 in) marker toward the 330 mm (13 in) marker is to be noted and divided into the total length of specimen burned between the 178 mm (7 in) and the 330 mm (13 in) markers. Note is also to be taken and a record made of whether particles or drops that ignite any of the cotton are emitted by the specimen during or after application of the gas flame.
5.6.8 Where any specimen flames at a rate greater than 25 mm/mm (1 in/mm) between the markers at
178 mm (7 in) and 330 mm (13 in), measured as described in Clause 5.6.7. the coated electrical sleeving shall be judged capable of conveying flame along its length. Where any specimen emits flaming or glowing particles or flaming drops at any time that ignite the cotton (flameless charring of the cotton is to be ignored), the coated electrical sleeving shall be judged capable of conveying flame to combustible materials in its vicinity. Where any specimen (at any time) emits flaming or glowing particles or flaming drops that fall outside the area of the testing surface covered by the cotton and/or that fall onto the burner, the test results shall be discarded and the test shall be repeated. For the repeat test, the rectangular layer of cotton shall cover an area of the testing surface 610 mm (24 in) long by 305 mm (12 in) deep centred on the horizontal axis of the specimen, and the specified cotton shall be clamped or otherwise secured around the base of the burner. Cotton shall not be under the burner. None of the cotton shall ignite in the repeat test nor shall the specimen flame at a rate greater than as specified in Clause 5.6.8.UL 1441-2018 pdf free download.

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