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UL 1647-2018 pdf free download
UL 1647-2018 pdf free download.Motor-Operated Massage and Exercise Machines.
16.1.10 With reference to exposure of insulated wiring through an opening in the enclosure of an appliance, the protection of such wiring required by 16.1.1 is considered to exist if, when judged as though it were film-coated wire, the wiring would be acceptable according to 12.1. Internal wiring not so protected may be accepted if it is secured within the enclosure so that it is unlikely to be subjected to stress or mechanical damage.
16.1.11 Wiring that may be located in proximity to combustible material or may be subjected to mechanical damage shall be in armored cable, rigid metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, metal raceway, or be otherwise equivalently protected.
16.2 Splices and connections
16.2.1 Each splice and connection shall be mechanically secure and shall provide reliable electrical contact. A soldered connection shall be mechanically secured before being soldered if breaking or loosening of the connection may result in a risk of fire or electric shock.
16.2.2 For an appliance in which vibration is likely to occur — such as a vibrator — the requirement in
16.2.1 will necessitate the use of lock washers or other equivalent means to prevent wire-binding screws and nuts from becoming loosened.
16.2.3 A splice shall be provided with insulation equivalent to that of the wires involved if permanence of spacing between the splice and other metal parts may not be maintained.
16.2.4 Aluminum conductors, insulated or uninsulated, used as internal wiring, such as for internal connection between current-carrying parts or as motor windings, shall be terminated by a method acceptable for the combination of metals involved at the point of connection.
16.2.5 With reference to the requirements in 16.2.4, a wire-binding screw or a pressure wire connector used as a terminating device shall be acceptable for use with aluminum under the conditions involved — for example, temperature, heat cycling, vibration, and the like.
16.2.6 Insulation consisting of two layers of friction tape. two layers of thermoplastic tape, or of one layer of friction tape on top of one layer of rubber tape, is acceptable on a splice. In determining if splice insulation consisting of coated-fabric, thermoplastic, or other type of tubing is acceptable, consideration is to be given to such factors as its dielectric properties, heat- and moisture-resistant characteristics, and the like. Thermoplastic tape wrapped over a sharp edge is not acceptable.
16.2.7 If stranded internal wiring is connected to a wire-binding screw, loose strands of wire shall be prevented from contacting other uninsulated live parts that are not always of the same polarity as the wire and from contacting dead metal parts. This may be accomplished by use of pressure terminal connectors, soldering lugs, crimped eyelets, soldering all strands of the wire together, or other reliable means.UL 1647-2018 pdf free download.
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