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UL 1678-2019 pdf free download

UL 1678-2019 pdf free download.Household, Commercial, and Institutional-Use Carts, Stands and Entertainment Centers for Use with Audio and/or Video Equipment.
a) The legs, wheels, casters. or similar means of support, arranged in the position most likely to result in tip-over and blocked so that the cart or stand does not slide on the inclined plane. The thickness of the mechanism employed to block casters or wheels shall be a maximum of 1I8’ the diameter of the caster or wheel.
b) All doors, drawers and other movable or adjustable parts shall be positioned as they will normally be used. Doors which must be open to view a television or to remotely operate components shall be in the open position. Doors. drawers, and shelves that are intended for accessories such as tapes. headphones, digital discs, and similar accessories are to be secured closed so as not to open when placed on the incline plane.
C) Each of the remaining supporting surfaces not specified in 162.2 (b) shall be loaded as described in Table 14.1, or unloaded, whichever is most likely to result in tip over.
16.2.3 When loading shelves and drawers, the load is to be centered front to back and side to side on the surface and evenly distnbuted across the surface under test.
16.2.4 When a supporting surface is provided with a means to secure a product (such as straps, screws or similar securement means), the securement means and any use and care instructions are to be used when positioning the load. The load is to be placed within the confines 01 the securement means in the position most likely to result in tip over.
16.3 Carts, Stands and Entertainment Centers Having a Support Surface or Mounting Surface for a Television
16.3.1 A cart, stand or entertainment center intended for use with a television shall not tip over when placed at the center of a plane inclined to make an angle of 10 ± 0.2 degrees with the horizontal and loaded as specified in Table 14.1. Also refer to Section .i2 when other storage and support surfaces are provided. The surface intended to support a television shall be loaded with the simulated television load described in 16.3.4. If the manufacturer specifies a television weight range, then the test is to be conducted with the heaviest weight television unless a lower weight television is determined to cause the cart, stand or entertainment center to be less stable.
16.3.2 Except as described in 163.3. when a simulated television load as descnbed in 16.3.4 is used on a television shelf, it is to be oriented within the confines of the useable television shelf in the position most likely to result in tip-over. The recommended television shelf is to be specified in the Use and Care Instructions, Section 2.
16.3.3 When a television shelf or mounting surface is provided with a means to secure the television to the supporting surface with straps. screws or similar securement means, the use and care instructions are to be used when positioning the load. The load is to be placed within the confines of the securement means in the position most likely to result in tip over.UL 1678-2019 pdf free download.

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