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UL 1699-2020 pdf free download

UL 1699-2020 pdf free download.Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupters.
to be started under load (compressor operating without any air pressure in the air tank) and operated for one minute then switched off. The test shall be repeated five times. The motor is allowed to come to rest after each “off” operation. The air tank is to be empty at the start of each test.
41.3 Loading condition II — normal operation arcing
41.3.1 Loading condition Ills as follows:
a) A vacuum cleaner rated at 10.8— 12 A full load having a universal motor shall be started and run for one minute and then switched off using the switch on the appliance. This test is to be repeated 5 times. The vacuum cleaner shall then be started by plugging the vacuum into a wall receptacle to start the motor and run for one minute then unplugging the motor from the wall receptacle. This test is to be repeated five times. The motor is allowed to come to rest after each off operation.
b) A bi-rnetallic appliance (such as flat iron, skillet, or similar appliance) rated 1200 W ±10 percent and having slow-make slow-break thermostatically controlled contacts for temperature regulation as follows:
1) The appliance shall be operated for 4 hours continuously during which the thermostat contacts are to open and close at least 25 times.
2) During a 1-minute period the appliance shall be rapidly moved and jolted and then placed into the normal rest position 10 times.
c) A 1000-W tungsten load consisting of four 1 50-W bulbs and four 100-W bulbs shall be controlled by a general-use snap switch. The load shall be energized “on” and “off” for 10 cycles using normal force and care. The test is to be performed at a rate of 6 — 10 operations per minute. The bulbs need not be allowed to cool.
d) The test in 41.3.1(c) is to be repeated with a general-use snap switch that complies with the Standard for General-Use Snap Switches, UL 20, and has been conditioned by cycling for 30,000 operations under rated load conditions of 15 A, 120 V, with 10,000 operations of resistive load, 10,000 operations with a load power factor of 75 — 80 percent, and 10,000 operations with a tungsten lamp load.
e) An electronic variable-speed electric hand-held shop tool rated 5 — 7 A that has been conditioned by undergoing 24 hours of continuous operation under a no-load condition at maximum speed. The speed shall be evenly varied from minimum to maximum and again to minimum every 10 seconds for one minute under a no-load condition.
1) A ceiling fan speed control (capacitive type with a rotary switch) rated 1.5 A controlling a ceiling fan. The speed shall be varied from the “off” position to maximum and again to the “off’ position every 10 seconds for one minute.UL 1699-2020 pdf free download.

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