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UL 199-2020 pdf free download

UL 199-2020 pdf free download.Automatic Sprinklers for Fire-Protection Service.
C) For sprinkler designs incorporating frame arms with symmetrical heat responsive elements (other than ESFR). ten samples are to be orientated in the pendent position with the frame arms in a plane perpendicular to the direction of air flow.
d) For ceiling sprinkler designs incorporating removable cups, escutcheons, and removable closure assemblies, ten samples are to be orientated in the pendent position with the closure assemblies removed.
e) For flush sprinklers with an air gap between the heat responsive element and the sprinkler body, ten samples shall be orientated in the pendent position.
f) For ceiling sprinkler designs incorporating an integral closure assembly and flush style sprinklers without an air gap between the heat responsive element and sprinkler body, ten samples are to be orientated with the heat responsive element exposed to the air flow. Recessed or concealed style sprinkler designs where the heat responsive elements are not exposed, and that incorporate integral escutcheons or closures that are not practically removable, are not to be subjected to the Oven Heat Test.
g) For ESFR sprinklers, twenty samples are to be tested. Five samples are to be tested in each of the following orientations:
1) In the pendent position with the frame arms in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the air flow and the heat responsive element upstream of the axis of the sprinkler body. This orientation is generally most favorable with respect to response time.
2) In the pendent position with the sprinkler rotated 90 degrees from the first orientation.
3) In the pendent position with the sprinkler rotated 135 degrees from the first orientation.
4) In the pendent position with the sprinkler rotated 180 degrees from the first orientation.
33.2.5 At least ten samples are to be conditioned at 75 ±2°F (24 ±1 °C) for at least 2 hours. The ambient temperature of the room with the plunge oven shall be 75 ±9°F (24 ±5°C). The inlet end of each sprinkler sample is to be connected to a source of air pressure at 4 ±1 psi9 (28 ±7 kPa) and quickly plunged into the sensitivity test oven in a pendent position. The operating time is to be measured using a timer capable of measuring 0.01 seconds and accurate to within 0.01 ±0.01 seconds.
33.2.6 The sensitivity test oven is to consist of a square or rectangular stainless steel chamber. A typical chamber is illustrated in Figure 33.1. A constant air velocity of 8.33 ±0.05 feet per second (2.54 ±0.01 mIs) and an air temperature as specified in Table 33.2 for each temperature rating and style sprinkler are to be established. Air velocity is to be measured using an orifice plate and a manometer or a bidirectional probe and a velometer. The air temperature is to be measured by use of a 30 AWG (0.05 mm2) thermocouple centered upstream from the sprinkler as shown in Fjgure 33.1.UL 199-2020 pdf free download.

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