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UL 2129-2017 pdf free download

UL 2129-2017 pdf free download.Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers.
relationship of the extinguisher, except that the minimum operating pressure line is able to be higher than the pressure that corresponds to the minimum operating temperature. A bourdon tube type pressure gauge shall have a pressure relief that vents In the event of a bourdon tube leak.
12.2 An extinguisher having a disposable, nonretillable. sealed chamber is not required to be equipped with a pressure gauge when a pressure indicator is used to verity that the extinguisher is charged with the correct expellant gas pressure.
12.3 The pressure gauge face shall indicate the appropriate units for which the gauge is calibrated, such as psig, or kPa, or bar, or any combination of pressure units.
12.4 The maximum indicated gauge pressure shall be between 150 and 250 percent of the indicated charging pressure at 21°C (70°F). The gauge dial shall indicate, in green. the operable pressure range of the extinguisher. The zero, charging, and maximum indicated gauge pressures shall be shown in numerals and with marks. The background of the gauge face outside of the operable pressure range shall be red. The arc of the dial from the zero pressure point to the lower end of the operable range shall read “Recharge.” The arc of the dial from the higher end of the operable range to the maximum indicated pressure shall read “Overcharged.’ All numerals, letters, and characters in the recharge, operable, and overcharge portions of the dial shall be white. Pointers shall be yellow, and the tip of the pointer shall end in the arc of the pressure indicating dots, and shall have a maximum tip radius of 0.25 mm (0.010 in). The minimum length of the pointer, from the centerpoint of the dial to the tip, shall be 9.53 mm (0.375 in) measured at the zero pressure point. The minimum length of the arc from zero pressure to the indicated charging pressure shall be 12.7 mm (0.50 in) measured at the outer edge of the gauge dial face, from the centerline of the zero pressure mark to the centerline of the indicated charging pressure mark.
12.5 The mark used to indicate the charging pressure at 21°C (70°F) shall be a minimum 0.6 mm (0.025 in) and not more than 1.0 mm (0.040 in) wide.
12.6 The pressure gauge face shall be marked to indicate: “Use with B Only.” aspecific Halocarbon Clean Agent designation.
12.7 The pressure gauge shall be marked with the gauge manufacturer’s identifying mark. The pressure gauge shall also be marked according to the following, as applicable, using a line extending as wide as, and of the same stroke thickness as. the manufacturer’s identifying mark:
a) To indicate galvanic compatibility with aluminum valve bodies — a horizontal line above the manufacturer’s identifying mark.
b) To indicate galvanic compatibility with brass valve bodies — a horizontal line below the
manufacturer’s identifying mark.UL 2129-2017 pdf free download.

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