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UL 213-2019 pdf free download

UL 213-2019 pdf free download.Rubber Gasketed Fittings for Fire Protection Service.
8.1 Rubber gasketed fittings intended for installation on pipe without grooves (plain end) are to be tested with the specific pipe type and/or pipe having the minimum wall thickness specified by the manufacturer.
8.2 Rubber gasketed fittings intended for use with cut or rolled groove pipe are to be tested with the specific pipe type and pipe having the minimum wall thickness and groove dimensions specified by the manufacturer.
8.3 Representative sample fittings are to be subjected to the tests described in these requirements.
8.4 Rubber gasketed fittings that are change in direction fittings, lined with an elastomenc material, and intended for use with dry pipe systems shall be subjected to the Fire Test indicated in Section 18. Change In direction fittings Include fittings such as elbows and tees.
9 Metallic Materials
9.1 Specimen bars of metals used shall be prepared from the same heat or run of metal used in the fitting samples submitted for investigation and test, The specimen bars shall conform to the minimum physical property requirements of the latest edition of the applicable ASTM or equivalent specification. Samples of bolts shall be tested without special machining.
10 Elastomeric Parts Tests
10.1 An elastomeric part used to provide a seal shall have the following properties when tested as specified in the Standard for Gaskets and Seals, UL 157:
a) For silicone rubber (having poly-organo-siloxane as its constituent characteristic), a minimum tensile strength of 3.4 MPa (500 psi) and a minimum ultimate elongation 01100 percent.
b) For natural rubber and synthetic rubber other than silicone rubber, a minimum tensile strength of 10.3 MPa (1500 psi) and minimum ultimate elongation of 150 percent or a minimum tensile strength 0115.2 MPa (2200 psi) and a minimum ultimate elongation of 100 percent.
C) Those properties relating to maximum tensile set; minimum tensile strength and elongation after oven aging: and hardness after oven aging. all as specified in UL 157. The maximum service temperature used to determine the oven time and temperature for oven aging is 60’C (140’F).
10.2 The Standard for Gaskets and Seals, UL 157, provides for the testing of either finished elastomeric parts or sheet or slab material. Sheet or slab material is to be tested when the etastomeric parts are 0- rings having diameters of less than 25.4 mm (1 Inch). The material tested Is to be the same as that used in the product, regardless of whether finished elastomenc parts or sheet or slab material is tested.UL 213-2019 pdf free download.

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