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UL 2218A-2019 pdf free download

UL 2218A-2019 pdf free download.Impact Resistance of Roofing Systems.
1.3 The test evaluates the effect of impact from the steel ball at locations on the assembly selected to be most vulnerable, such as (but not hmited to) edges. corners, unsuppo’ted sections and joints.
1.4 This test method does not evaluate the effect of weathering, temperature. aging or similar effects on the impact resistance of roofing system components. These and other factors, including time, roof slope, roof system configuration and application influence the performance of roofing matenals In the field. It is not the objective of this test to address all of these factors.
2 UnIts of Measurement
2.1 Values stated w,thout parentheses are the requirernent Values In parentheses are eApianatory Or approximate information.
3 General
3.1 Repiesentative samples of the roof covering system construction, assembled to test decks as described in Preparation of Samples, Section 4, are to be subjected to the impact tests described in Test Apparatus, Section 5. and Test Procedure, Section 8.
4 PreparatIon of Samples
4.1 General
4.1.1 RepresentatIve samples of a roof covenng system are to be applied, as described in 4j, to test decks constructed as described in 4.2. The assemblies are to be conditioned in accordance with 44 prior to testing.
4.2 PreparatIon of test d.cks
4.2.1 The test decks are to be 3 ft by 3 ft (0.91 m by 0.91 m) consisting of 15132 in (11.9 mm) thick plywood securely nailed to a trade size 2- by 4-in Inominal 1-112 by 3-1/2 in (38.1 by 89 mm)) wood batten frame, with an additional trade size 2- by 4-in vertical support batten. midspan of the deck. The plywood is to be PS-i Grade exterior, placed A side up. The perimeter battens are to be located under and flush with the outer edges of the deck.
4.3 Application
4.3.1 The roof covenng material to be tested is to be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to the test deck.UL 2218A-2019 pdf free download.

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