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UL 248-2-2019 pdf free download

UL 248-2-2019 pdf free download.Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 2 : Class C Fuses.
This UL 248-2 applies to Class C fuses rated 1200 A or less and 600 Vac. DC ratings are optional. 4 Classification
Class C fuses are non-renewable with an interrupting rating of 200000 A. Class C fuses are divided into eight body sizes. The maximum current rating, l. for each size is specified in this Part.
5 Characteristics
5.2 Voltage rating
For AC. the rating shall be 600 V ac.
The DC voltage rating may be different from the AC rating.
5.3 Current rating
Refer to F.ure A for range of current ratings in each body size.
5.5 InterruptIng rating
For AC — 200.000 A.
For DC, the preferred ratings are 10,000, 20.000. 50,000, 100.000. 150,000, or 200,000 A.
5.6 Peak let-through current and clearing 12t characteristics
Maximum values of peak let-through current and clearing 12t are given in Table A.
8.2 Verification of temperature rise and current-carrying capacity
8.2.3 Test method
1.0 I,, — Temperature rise
1 1 I, — Current-carrying capacity. I,
Fuses rated 601 — 1200 A
1.1 I — Temperature rise and current-carrying capacity, l Fuses rated 600 A or less
In addition to the requirements in Part 1: At the conclusion of the temperature rise test, the test current shall be increased without interruption to 1.1 l, for a period of not less than 15 mm for fuses rated 0— 200 A and not less than 30 mm for fuses rated 201 — 600 A. Temperature is not to be monitored during this time.
8.2.4 AcceptabIlity of test results
In addition to the requirements in Part 1: The maximum temperature rise shall not exceed the following:
Contacts —
0 to 100 A — 55°C
101 to600A—75°C
601 to 1200 A — 75°C above calibration temperature
8.3 Verification of overload operation
8.3.4 Acceptability of test results
The maximum clearing Urne (I) at 1.6 l. shail not exceed the toIwrng:
120 mm (Fuses rated 61 —200 A)
240 mm (Fuses rated 201 — 1200 A)
8.4 VerIfication of operation at rated voltage For AC — Part 1. Table 5
Test 1 — 200 kA
Test 2- Maximum energy
Test 5b —2 I For DC — Part 1, Table 6
Test I — Interrupting rating
Test 2— Maximum energy
Test Sc —2 l
8.5 Verification of peak let-through current and clearing 12t characteristics
8.5.3 AcceptabIlity of test results
Peak let-through current and dearing 12t values recorded shall not exceed the limits specified in Table A.UL 248-2-2019 pdf free download.

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