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UL 2775-2019 pdf free download

UL 2775-2019 pdf free download.Standard for Fixed Condensed Aeroso EXtinguishing System Units.
44.1 An extinguishing system unit, including actuating mechanism(s) and attached aerosol generator(s), intended to be operated by a pneumatic control assembly, shall operate as intended, without permanent distortion, rupture. or other malfunction, when tested as specified in 44. and 44.. A primary means of actuation that is intended to actuate multiple aerosol generators shall operate all the connected aerosol generators within a 1-s maximum time interval between operation of the first aerosol generator and the last aerosol generator. when tested as specified in 442.
44.2 A pneumatic control assembly is to be filled with the intended fluid and pressurized to the operating pressure at 21 rc (70°F) and then conditioned at the minimum operating temperature for at least 16 h. The maximum number of actuating mechanisms with attached aerosol generators intended to be operated by the pneumatic control assembly are to be installed with the maximum amount and size of tubing. piping, or hose Following conditioning of the pneumatic control assembly. it is to be installed on the system and discharged For multiple aerosol generators of an extinguishing system unit, the time interval between operation of the first aerosol generator and the last aerosol generator shall be recorded with data acquisition equipment. After discharge, the components of the extinguishing system unit are to be visually examined for distortion, rupture, or other malfunction. This test is to be repeated for all possible extinguishing system unit operating parameters
44.3 A pneumatic control assembly is to be filled with the intended fluid and pressurized to the operating pressure at 21CC (70°F) and then conditioned at the maximum operating temperature for at least 16 h. The minimum number of actuating mechanisms with attached aerosol generators intended to be operated by the pneumatic control assembly are to be installed with the minimum amount and size of tubing. piping, or hose. Following conditioning of the pneumatic control assembly. it is to be installed on the system and discharged After discharge, the components of the extinguishing system unit are to be visually examined for distortion, rupture, or other malfunction. This test is to be repeated for all possible extinguishing system unit operating parameters.
45 Pneumatic Time Delay Verification Test
45.1 Pneumatic time delay assemblies shall delay the actuation of an extinguishing system unit within -0,
+20 percent of the delay time indicated in the manufacturer’s design, installation, operation and
maintenance instruction manua[
45.2 Pneumatic time delay assemblies shall be conditioned to both the minimum operating temperature and the maximum operating temperature. Representative pneumatic control assemblies are to be filled and charged as intended and conditioned to 21 C (70 F). Within 5 mm of removal from the conditioning temperatures, each pneumatic time delay assembly and pneumatic control assembly shall be connected to a pneumatic control actuation system representing the maximum installation limitations specified in the manufacturer’s design, installation, operation and maintenance instruction manual. The pneumatic control assembly is to be actuated and the delay time from pneumatic control assembly actuation to pneumatic time delay assembly actuation is to be recorded.UL 2775-2019 pdf free download.

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