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UL 2790-2019 pdf free download

UL 2790-2019 pdf free download.Commercial Incinerators.
11.5 To determine if an appliance complies with the requirements of, it is to be wired as it would be in service and in doing a reasonable amount of slack is to be left in each conductor within the enclosure. and no more than average care is to be exercised in stowing this slack into the wiring compartment.
11.6 If a barrier is used to provide separation between the wiring of different circuits or between operating parts and field installed conductors, it shall be of metal or insulating material and shall be held in place.
11.7 A metal barrier shall have a thickness at least as great as that required by Table 8.1 or Table 8.2.
whichever applies, based on the size of the barrier. A barrier of insulating material shall be not less than
0.028 inch (0.71 mm) in thickness and shall be of greater thickness if its deformation may be readily
accomplished so as to defeat its purpose. Any clearance at the edges of a barrier shall be not more than
1116 inch (1.6 mm) wide.
11.8 Openings in a barrier for the passage of conductors shall be not larger than 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) in diameter and shall not exceed in number, on the basis of one opening per conductor, the number of wires which will need to pass through the barrier. The closure for any other opening shall present a smooth surface wherever an insulated wire may be in contact with it; and the area of any such opening, with the closure removed, shall not be larger than required for the passage of the necessary wires.
11.9 Openings in a barrier for the passage of conductors shall be not larger than 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) in diameter and shall not exceed in number, on the basis of one opening per conductor, the number of wires which will need to pass through the barrier. The closure for any other opening shall present a smooth surface wherever an insulated wire may be in contact with it; and the area of any such opening, with the closure removed, shall not be larger than required for the passage of the necessary wires.
11.10 Two or more transformer devices supplying circuits classified as Class 2, low-voltage circuits provided as a part of the appliance shall be treated as two separate circuits each having its own separate wiring compartment, and the output of each circuit shall be marked to warn that the separation shall be maintained.
12 Bonding for Grounding
12.1 Exposed or accessible noncurrent carrying metal parts which may become energized, and which may be contacted by the user or by service personnel during service operations likely to be performed when the appliance is energized, shall be electrically connected to the point of connection of an equipment ground.
12.2 Except as indicated in 12.3, uninsulated metal parts of cabinets, electrical enclosures, motor frames and mounting brackets, controller mounting brackets. capacitors and other electrical components. interconnecting tubing and piping valves, and the like, are to be bonded for grounding if they may be contacted by the user or serviceman.UL 2790-2019 pdf free download.

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