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UL 2992-2018 pdf free download

UL 2992-2018 pdf free download.Environmental Claim Validation Procedure (ECVP) for Determination and Verification of Chemical Emissions from Water Activated Flameless Heat Packets.
4 Glossary
4.1 For the purpose of this procedure, the following definitions apply.
4.2 Air Exchange Rate (ACH) — Air change rate is a measure of the air volume added to or removed from a space divided by the volume of the space.
4.3 Air Flow Rate — Air volume entering the emission test chamber per unit time.
4.4 Background Concentrations — Airborne chemical or particle level in the emission test chamber in the absence of a product test specimen.
4.5 Emission Rate (ER) — The rate of emission of a specific analyte defined as the total rig/hr of a chemical emitted from a product.
5 Section I: Testing Procedure
5.1 Facility and equipment requirements
511 Facility requirements Facilities designed and operated to measure chemical emissions from water activated flameless heat packets during exothermic reaction should contain emission test chambers, air purification systems. monitoring and control systems. sample collection and analysis equipment. standards generation and calibration systems. data acquisition systems. and data modeling and report systems. Facilities should demonstrate compliance with Standard for General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories. ISO 17025, with the referenced test method included in the scope.
5.1.2 Emission test chamber requirements The emission test chamber volume shall be greater than or equal to 5 m3 Test chambers with a different volume may be accepted provided that sufficient data support evidence of comparable results. The emission test chamber shall be operated according to the guidelines of Standard Practice for
Full-Scale Chamber Determination of Volatile Organic Emissions from Indoor Malerials/Products, ASTM
D6670. using inlet air at 23 ±2C and 50 ±5% relative humidity with 1 air changes per hour. Teflon tubing shall be inserted through a port in the chamber to facilitate adding water to the heat packets.UL 2992-2018 pdf free download.

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